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And audio data in some high resolutions may not be sent via a connection interface SPDIF, in instance. Channel number is limited by allowable throughput too. Compression may be lossless or cause sound quality losses.

Read details Sometimes, size compressed audio is called as bitstream. Read more DAC is digital to analog converter kind of audio interface. Audio output is connector, audio data transmition protocol and hardware, included to an audio interface, to transmit audio data to other device. Audio output may transmit signal in analog form. It’s analog audio output. Audio signal in musical system amplifier, AV-receirer, etc. Special device – analog-to-digital converter – rapidly measure momentary values of the audio signal its voltage.

Let’s imagine a machine, that can form water level by the written value sequence. And we get the same water wave. Analog-digital converter ADC is a device, that periodically measure analog signal voltage and send the measured values as numbers in digital form to PCM digital audio output.

PCM encoding is the conversion of an analog signal to digital form. Quantization is the measurement step of the voltage level of an analog signal. Samples may be stored and transmitted without altering of information.

It is the main advantage of digital signals, comparing analog ones. Sample rate sampling rate is a number of samples per second measured in Hz, Hertz. As rule, an analog signal is coded as real numbers math definition , that are usual numbers we use permanently.

Let’s pay attention to “theoretical” word. Real implementations require to account other factors too. Read below about myths, where we’ll discuss, why higher sample rates are used.

In simple words it is not exact math definition the Nyquist—Shannon sampling theorem may sound as:. Below we will consider the theorem details, when More exact the theorem wording in sound terms: Endless analog sine signal may be coded to digital form and restored with sampling rate 2 times more the signal ‘s frequency. M ore samples per finite signal duration keep more information about source signal to restore it from digital to analog form.

More samples per duration, it is closer to infinity. Alternatively, the input samples may be processed via Hilbert transform. It converts real numbers to complex ones. Analog-digital converter capture full frequency band at the input. It adds noise to the coded digital signal. But the analog filter isn’t steep enough. Also in DAC sampling rate may be increased oversampling to better work with the analog filter.

Oversampling works with the digital filter in pair. There is a myth that non-multiple resampling causes more distortions, than multiple one. But in case and Hz, resampling is applied the same way. Maximum value of the word is the maximal positive value of an analog signal at ADC input. Its code is:. Minimal value of the word is maximal negative value of the analog signal at ADC input.

Rounding is bit depth reducing via removing of one or more bits with altering of reduced number according to removed bit s. Codes of analog values, stored into the words have precision limitation. The limitation is defined by total number of measured levels L. So stored codes samples are not equal exactly to real analog voltage. Quantization error is difference between sample digital value and real voltage of analog signal.

The energy of quantization noise is constant in total band. Thus, increasing of the total band of an analog signal after DAC sampling rate increasing decrease the noise level in the audible range [ It happens because audible range has a fixed width. In the digital domain quantization noise level is decreased about 6 dB for Fourier transform length 2 times more.

In the digital domain, N Q is the same independently sample rate. But the Fourier transform divide digital band to parts small sub-bands. Fourier transform is converting oscillogram time domain to spectrum frequency domain.

In digital audio, we mean discrete Fourier transform in most cases. The discrete mean, that spectrum is divided to taps. FFT fast Fourier transform is case of Fourier transform.

It’s length is 2 K , where K is integer number. If there are tips 2 times more, noise energy is redistributed. And each tap have energy 2 times lesser. If we make tap width as before the redistributing tap width at the part A of the picture , noise level will 2 times lesser.

Because square of noise is constant. It happens on computer display, when tap width have same pixel width on a screen. Read below more about bit depth, quantization noise and dynamic range for 16 bit implementations.

But it is not so. Because “the stairs” are smoothed by analog filter at the digital-analog converter output. But that’s not exactly true. Because the analog filter isn’t ideally “brick wall”. Half of the aliases are flipped horizontally. In ideal audio system without non-linear distortions these aliases will inaudible. In the table noted only file abilities, that author know.

They are inefficient, but you don’t need anything special for them to work. The Q Acoustic i’s are also very good. I like the rounded corners. They are bigger than they look because these speakers are very deep. I think I like the proportions of the Kefs the best, but again, all three look nice and sound good. The i’s have a pretty flat sound signature and are certainly a bit more refined than the Jamos. Imaging and sound stage were similar between the two, however.

The i’s are probably “better” but I personally recommend the Jamos- even if they were the same price, but especially since the Jamos are quite a bit cheaper. I was actually blown away to hear for myself how much better than the other two the Kefs are. In every way. I could truly hear the difference that the Uni Q concentric driver makes. The difference was apparent immediately – nothing sounded wrong or bad when I listened to the other speakers, but everything had more depth, space, and clarity coming through the kefs.

Plus, to my surprise, these speakers got noticeably deeper than the other two. I still need a subwoofer to suit my own tastes, but these are much closer to the point where you don’t need one, and for many genre’s these would be perfect on their own.

Still, I think the imaging is the real standout feature of these speakers that makes me really love them. The speakers start to blend in to the background and it feels like the room is just making music when you play a well-recorded track with these positioned well.

My brother in law has LS50’s, and these get impressively near that experience for a fraction of the cost. The LS50s are better in every way, much the same as these Kefs are better than the other two pairs- but the Uni-Q driver is not just hogwash marketing malarkey.

That is going to be a personal decision. I would probably pick the Jamos for the best value. All three pairs of speakers are very good, but the q’s were the clear winner in my comparison. Note: I tested these speakers in a living room, but I am going to put one pair on my desk eventually.

However, for now I can’t say anything about how the speakers compare near-field. I scoured the internet for any comparisons or comments and found very little worthwhile info. From the bits I did gather, there seemed to be a general consensus that the Q had cleaner treble, but the Q sounded bigger, warmer, had better mids, and more bass.

That unless on a budget, one should just spring for the Q So, which is it? Let me touch on build and dimensions real quick for those unfamiliar. While I personally find the black iteration of both of these among the most beautiful bookshelf speakers out there, the build leaves something to be desired. The edges are very sharp and clean; a great contrast to the round, centered drivers.

There are no grills included, but I would have never used them. The Q is new for me and I was hoping it would build on what I remembered from the superb Q Unlike the bigger driver and higher price would lead you to believe, the Q is not everything the Q does but better, nor is it a Q with more bass and a bigger sound.

I pulled my trusty Studio s off mains duty and listened to the Q for a few days. While there is always something special to be said about the imaging coaxial drivers provide, these just always sounded way too mellow, too laid-back, and almost muddy. They lack dynamics and never really seem to emerge from their slumber until I seriously crank the volume. At quiet to normal levels, forget it. Bring forth the vocals! Bring out the details! Bring up the sparkle! They are indeed very warm, overly so.

They remind me of the UB5. No glaring faults, but just blah I still remember liking the UB5 more. Vocals definitely suffered because of this. Not so good for quiet, night time, or dialogue-heavy listening. Putting the s back in place and BAM, the veil vaporized and the injection of clarity and accompanied shock was like a splash of cold water.

I hastily ordered the Q after becoming increasingly unhappy with the Q and the fact it was no match for the s. To my relief, they were exactly as I remembered them. They had the sparkle the Q was completely missing.

Vocals, especially female, finally came alive. Everything sounded more realistic and believable. Most surprising was that the bass and extension were comparable, but cleaner and more defined on the Q The Q has more midbass and smoothness, but of what did it no favors.

Had I not known of their prices, there is no question I would have thought the Q was the more expensive speaker as it has a cleaner, clearer, more balanced sound. But, it’s clear to me that the Q and Q were cut from the same cloth regarding different aspects aside from their sound profiling.

For one, the Q is also still difficult to drive and definitely sounds better when turned up. Although, they do not suffer from low power or low level listening as much as the Q due to their more forward nature and better treble. Both also require a tempered expectation when it comes to bass.

If pushed hard, the bass will start to fall apart and become flabby. Goes without saying for any speaker, but definitely experiment with speaker height, width apart, toe-in, and distance from surrounding walls. Ultimately, the Q was the clear winner here in both value and sound. Not to mention, the Q is easier to maneuver, place, and experiment with due to their size and weight reduction.

The Q is big enough that placement options other than dedicated stands would be limited. Everything said, I highly recommend the Q and think it would fit the bill for most people and in most cases over the Q See all reviews.

Top reviews from other countries. Translate all reviews to English. I deliberated quite a bit over whether to spend the money on these speakers.

Chicago, IL hifirose. That’s probably the review of the QB-9 Twenty in its entirety. After all, the Twenty is an upgrade to a no longer manufactured product. And, yeah, you should get the upgrade. At the risk of sounding like a shill for Ayre, the upgrade is really worth the asking price, and probably a lot more.

Which I paid in full – if I’m a shill, I’m also a very bad negotiator. Definitely a worthwhile upgrade. I guess we’re both shills for Ayre. Of course, many, many people will tell you that this sort of thing is inaudible and that you are crazy. But, crazy people can be happy, too. This particular digital solution seems to perform not quite as well as some other products with regard to jitter sidebands.

Is this audible? By how much? Head to the bottom of this very web page and click on the button that says “hi-finews”. That’ll take you to a website for the magazine of the same name. In the Lab Report, there is a plot of what is labeled Wow and flutter. This is a spectral display of a single tone from a vinyl disc played back through the turntable under review. Isn’t that pretty much the same concept as the jitter test, at least with regard to the central tone of the J-test at 11 KHz?

It’s not obvious from either plot and associated labelling what the measurement parameters are for the spectrum analyzer. The resolution bandwidth, the video filtering, the averaging type and number of samples, the detector type, and so on are not shown for either. To be fair, this might be explained in an article somewhere that I failed to find – my bad. Variations there would explain a lot. But, maybe there’s much more to it.

I don’t think there’s much confusion here. Jitter was never all that audible as an issue. No need for audiophiles to fear this “boogeyman” in general. I posted a demo for folks to listen to years ago – just Google “Archimago Jitter Demo”. Yeah, the J-Test for a device like this is not good for modern digital especially for the bit ethernet input. I still don’t think it’s audible in real music anyways, it’s more of a reflection of the engineering that the time-domain wasn’t better despite the claims of using femtoclock parts and the ESS ESQ2M DAC chip!

No surprise as well that turntables are comparatively inaccurate vs. It’s very obvious if one listens to a pure tone like Hz as per HiFi News. Time-domain is poor with LP playback not just because of turntable rpm variations but also the imperfections of the vinyl itself. Again, with music we don’t notice these issues as much. OS X Recommended :. Windows Ask the community. Visit the forum. The free-trial privilege is limited to one free trial per Account.

What are the minimum system requirements? Contextual help is displayed in the software, for each part you might eventually need help with. This replaces the user manual, that is why there is no pdf version of it.

Subscriptions and subcription management. How do I create my Account? You will still be able to use Studio until the end of the current subscription period. If you reactivate your subscription, you will be billed according to your subscription plan.

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Otherwise you can use a third party software like AirFoil for doing that. I get one-second dropouts in the middle of a track.

The main reason for this is memory swapping to disk, namely the audio buffer currently playing. This is due to insufficient memory available for storing the audio buffers. Why don’t I have sound after I enabled upsampling?


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An analog signal from microphone is convrted to digital form. Analog signal is like water. Digital signal is like multiple boxes with water. These boxes has infinite thin walls. The format should have no quality losses lossless.

Such PCM bitstream has no size compression. And audio data in some high resolutions may not be sent via a connection interface SPDIF, in instance. Channel number is limited by allowable throughput too. Compression may be lossless or cause sound quality losses. Read details Sometimes, size compressed audio is called as bitstream. Read more DAC is digital to analog converter kind of audio interface. Audio output is connector, audio data transmition protocol and hardware, included to an audio interface, to transmit audio data to other device.

Audio output may transmit signal in analog form. It’s analog audio output. Audio signal in musical system amplifier, AV-receirer, etc. Special device – analog-to-digital converter – rapidly measure momentary values of the audio signal its voltage. Let’s imagine a machine, that can form water level by the written value sequence. And we get the same water wave. Analog-digital converter ADC is a device, that periodically measure analog signal voltage and send the measured values as numbers in digital form to PCM digital audio output.

PCM encoding is the conversion of an analog signal to digital form. Quantization is the measurement step of the voltage level of an analog signal.

Samples may be stored and transmitted without altering of information. It is the main advantage of digital signals, comparing analog ones. Sample rate sampling rate is a number of samples per second measured in Hz, Hertz. As rule, an analog signal is coded as real numbers math definition , that are usual numbers we use permanently.

Let’s pay attention to “theoretical” word. Real implementations require to account other factors too. Read below about myths, where we’ll discuss, why higher sample rates are used. In simple words it is not exact math definition the Nyquist—Shannon sampling theorem may sound as:. Below we will consider the theorem details, when More exact the theorem wording in sound terms: Endless analog sine signal may be coded to digital form and restored with sampling rate 2 times more the signal ‘s frequency.

M ore samples per finite signal duration keep more information about source signal to restore it from digital to analog form.

More samples per duration, it is closer to infinity. Alternatively, the input samples may be processed via Hilbert transform. It converts real numbers to complex ones. Analog-digital converter capture full frequency band at the input. It adds noise to the coded digital signal.

But the analog filter isn’t steep enough. Also in DAC sampling rate may be increased oversampling to better work with the analog filter. Oversampling works with the digital filter in pair. There is a myth that non-multiple resampling causes more distortions, than multiple one. But in case and Hz, resampling is applied the same way. Maximum value of the word is the maximal positive value of an analog signal at ADC input. Its code is:. Minimal value of the word is maximal negative value of the analog signal at ADC input.

Rounding is bit depth reducing via removing of one or more bits with altering of reduced number according to removed bit s. Codes of analog values, stored into the words have precision limitation. The limitation is defined by total number of measured levels L. So stored codes samples are not equal exactly to real analog voltage. Quantization error is difference between sample digital value and real voltage of analog signal. The energy of quantization noise is constant in total band.

Thus, increasing of the total band of an analog signal after DAC sampling rate increasing decrease the noise level in the audible range [ It happens because audible range has a fixed width. In the digital domain quantization noise level is decreased about 6 dB for Fourier transform length 2 times more. In the digital domain, N Q is the same independently sample rate. But the Fourier transform divide digital band to parts small sub-bands. Fourier transform is converting oscillogram time domain to spectrum frequency domain.

In digital audio, we mean discrete Fourier transform in most cases. The discrete mean, that spectrum is divided to taps. FFT fast Fourier transform is case of Fourier transform. It’s length is 2 K , where K is integer number. If there are tips 2 times more, noise energy is redistributed. And each tap have energy 2 times lesser. If we make tap width as before the redistributing tap width at the part A of the picture , noise level will 2 times lesser.

Because square of noise is constant. It happens on computer display, when tap width have same pixel width on a screen. Read below more about bit depth, quantization noise and dynamic range for 16 bit implementations. But it is not so. Because “the stairs” are smoothed by analog filter at the digital-analog converter output.

But that’s not exactly true. Because the analog filter isn’t ideally “brick wall”. Half of the aliases are flipped horizontally. In ideal audio system without non-linear distortions these aliases will inaudible. In the table noted only file abilities, that author know. If you have additional information to correct description or other, contact us. Sometimes files with same extension may contains different extensions.

A reading software player, converter, editor, other parse file. As rule, file consists of data blocks. These blocks have identifiers. And the reading software recognize the block types. Sometimes the software check data integrity. If there are non-correct data, the software may to reject file opening depend on implementation.

Size compressed file types are used for saving hard disk space. Especially, it is actually for portable devices: digital audio players DAP , mobile phones, etc. Portable devices are able to playback multichannel files. But it is listened at stereo headphones, as rule. So multichannel records consume disk space to extra channels. The space extra size issue may be solving via downmixing audio files to stereo.

It is impossibly to get rid of jitter in real music systems. Because there are electromagnetic interference, non-stability of clock generators, power line interference issues. Quantization error cause non-linear distortions. It correlate with musical signal. Correlated distortions are considered as especially unwanted to perceived sound quality.

Dither is extremely low level noise, that added to musical signal before ADC or before bit depth truncation prior to DAC. To reduce noise in audible band, noise shaping may be applied. It looks like “pushing” of noise energy to upper part of frequency range. But the shaping demands of band reserve to the “pushing”.


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So at early stage I am really bir using Studio and will gladly pay the subscription rate if no tedious software issues. I haven’t had any problems so far, but they would be audirvana 64 bit free deal-breaker. Click to expand I really can’t recommend this product. The tool can skip the tracks in case the file with the same name already exists.


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