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The most effective implementations of hybrid and mixed-mode work might be those that deliberately attempt to minimize the impact of collaborator effects on those employees that are not working remotely; for example, firms might consider implementations of hybrid work in which certain teams come into the office on certain days, or in which most or all workers come into the office on some days and work remotely otherwise.
Firms might also consider arrangements in which only certain types of workers for example, individual contributors are able to work remotely. Although we believe these early insights are helpful, firms and academics will need to undertake a combination of quantitative and qualitative research once the COVID pandemic has ended to better measure both the benefits and the downsides of different remote work policies.
Large firms with the ability to collect rich telemetry data will be particularly well-positioned to build on the quantitative insights presented in this work by conducting large-scale internal field experiments. If published externally, these experiments could have the capacity to greatly further our collective understanding of the causal effects of both firm-wide remote work and other work arrangements such as hybrid work and mixed-mode work.
Our results, which report both direct effects and indirect effects of remote work, suggest that such experimentation needs to be conducted carefully. In conducting these experiments, it is crucial that firms use experiment designs that are optimized for capturing the overall effects of remote work policies, for example, graph cluster randomization 53 , 54 or switchback randomization Our research is not without its limitations.
First, our study characterizes the impacts of firm-wide remote work on the US employees of one major technology firm. Although we expect our results to generalize to other technology firms, this may not be the case. Caution should also be exercised in generalizing our results to other sectors and other countries.
Second, the period of time over which we measured the causal effects of remote work are quite short three months , and it is possible that the long-term effects of firm-wide remote work are different. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic, workers were able to leverage existing network connections, many of which were built in person. This may not be possible if firm-wide remote work were implemented long-term. Although we have taken steps to verify the plausibility of these assumptions and tested the robustness of our results to an alternative matching procedure 60 details of which are provided in the Methods , they are assumptions nonetheless.
There are multiple high-profile cases of firms such as IBM and Yahoo! On the basis of these examples, one might conclude that the current enthusiasm for remote work may not ultimately translate into a long-lasting shift to remote work for the majority of firms.
However, during the COVID pandemic, workers and firms have invested in the physical and human capital required to support remote work 63 and innovation has shifted toward new technologies that support remote work Both of these factors make it more likely that for many firms, some version of remote work will persist beyond the pandemic.
In light of this fact, the importance of deepening our understanding of remote work and its impacts has never been greater. The use of the data is compliant with US employee privacy laws. Employee privacy restrictions in many countries prevent us from reporting on workers outside the US. No information on international coworkers except for counting interactions with US employees was obtained for research purposes or analysed. Microsoft provides employees with appropriate notice of its use of Workplace Analytics, and sets strict controls over the collection and use of such data.
In our collaboration network, each worker is a node. For employees WFH, all of their colleagues are considered to be remote from them, whereas, for those in an office, colleagues are remote to them if those colleagues are WFH or are located on a Microsoft campus in a different city.
Our modified DiD model extends the standard DiD model in two ways. Second, our model allows the variation in our treatment variables to be induced by one exogenous shock that affects all workers in our sample, but affects some workers differently compared with others.
We estimate the average treatment effect for the treated ATT of ego remote work and collaborator remote work on all outcome measures using the following specification:. We estimate this model using data from February, April, May and June We omitted March because workers were transitioning from office work to WFH beginning in the first week of the month.
Our ability to causally identify both ATTs is predicated on a number of identifying assumptions, some of which are standard in DiD analyses and some of which are specific to our research setting.
Time-series trends for different subsets of the matched sample are compared in Fig. Analogous figures for our full set of outcome variables are provided in Supplementary Figs. In all cases, the time series appear to move in parallel both before the transition to remote work, and once the transition to remote work concluded, suggesting that this identifying assumption is reasonable.
This assumption would be violated if, for example, those who worked remotely before the pandemic were less likely to have unforeseen childcare responsibilities from school closures caused by the pandemic. To make this identifying assumption more plausible, we use the CEM procedure described below.
Finally, we assume that ego remote work effects, collaborator remote work effects and non-remote-work-related COVID effects are additively separable. More precisely, we assume that Y i t can be written as. With our data, we are unable to validate the plausibility of this important identifying assumption; however, it is worth noting that causal estimates produced by standard DiD models also rely on the validity of parametric assumptions The results from our modified DiD specification for the full set of outcomes are provided in Supplementary Tables 1 — 3.
This reweighting means that we can relax the parallel trends and exogeneity assumptions described above to only be required conditional on employee characteristics.
In other words, provided that any differences in how the two groups would have evolved in the absence of the pandemic or how they are affected by the pandemic are entirely explained by the employee characteristics we match on, then the CEM-based results are valid. The CEM procedure works as follows. Each US Microsoft employee is assigned to a stratum on the basis of their role, managerial status, seniority level and tenure at Microsoft as of February For each employee i in a stratum s that contains a mixture of employees that were and were not remote before the COVID pandemic, we construct a CEM weight according to the following formula:.
The final remote:non-remote sample ratio is We measured treatment effect heterogeneity with respect to tenure at Microsoft shorter tenure versus longer tenure , managerial status manager versus individual contributor and role type engineering versus non-engineering. To do so, we estimated the DiD model separately for each subgroup. Our treatment effect estimates for each combination of outcome and subgroup are provided in Supplementary Tables 4 — To test the robustness of our analysis, we re-estimate our main DiD specification on an alternate matched sample of employees who worked remotely before the COVID pandemic, which is constructed using a more extensive matching procedure introduced in ref.
In this matching procedure, we augment the set of observables that we match on to include not only time-invariant employee attributes that is, role, managerial status, seniority and new-hire status as of February , but also time-varying behavioural attributes that is, number of scheduled meeting hours, unscheduled call hours, IMs sent, emails sent, workweek hours, network ties, business groups connected to, cross-group connections, bridging ties, churned ties and added ties, share of time with cross-group ties, bridging ties, weak ties and added ties, and the individual clustering coefficient as measured in June As we are matching on many more variables, there are more employees who cannot be matched, and our matched sample includes only 43, employees.
The motivation for this matching procedure is as follows. In a standard matched DiD analysis, control and treatment units would be matched on the basis of pretreatment behaviour. This type of matching is not appropriate in our context, given that employees who did and did not work remotely before the COVID pandemic are by definition in different potential outcome states in February.
Assuming that there is a treatment effect to detect, matching on pretreatment behavioural outcomes would actually make our identifying assumptions less likely to hold. However, in June , both employees who were and were not working remotely before the COVID pandemic were in the same potential outcome state firm-wide remote work , and therefore matching on time-varying behavioural outcomes improves the credibility of our identifying assumptions.
Supplementary Figs. The results are qualitatively similar to those we present in our main analysis. Number of business groups and cross-group connections: A business group is a collection of typically fewer than ten employees who report to the same manager and share a common purpose. Bridging connections: Bridging connections are connections with a low value of the local constraint 9 , 18 , 42 in that period.
To calculate the local constraint, we first calculate the normalized mutual weight, NMW i j t , between each pair of people i and j in each period t. We calculate the local constraint for each tie using the matricial formulae described in ref. Individual clustering coefficient: The number of triads group of three people who are all connected to each other a person is a part of as a share of the number of triads they could possibly be part of given their degree.
Distribution of collaboration time: In addition to unweighted network ties, we also measured the share of collaboration time that an individual spent with each of their collaborators.
We do not analyse the number of weak ties a person has in a given month as, by this definition, it is equal to half the number of ties they have in that month.
The normalization ensures that HHI i t always falls between 0 and 1. Scheduled meeting hours: The number of hours that a person spent in meetings scheduled through Teams or Outlook calendar with at least one other person. Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
An anonymized version of the data supporting this study is retained indefinitely for scientific and academic purposes. The data are not publicly available due to employee privacy and other legal restrictions. The data are available from the authors on reasonable request and with permission from Microsoft Corporation. The code supporting this study is retained indefinitely for scientific and academic purposes.
The code is not publicly available due to employee privacy and other legal restrictions. The code is available from the authors on reasonable request and with permission from Microsoft Corporation. Bloom, N. Working From Home and the Future of U. Brynjolfsson, E. Barrero, J. Working Paper Univ. Dingel, J. How many jobs can be done at home?
Public Econ. Article Google Scholar. Benveniste, A. McLean, R. These companies plan to make working from home the new normal. As in forever. Lund, S. What executives envision for the postpandemic workforce. Granovetter, M. The strength of weak ties. Burt, R. Structural holes and good ideas. Reagans, R. Network structure and knowledge transfer: the effects of cohesion and range. Uzzi, B. Collaboration and creativity: the small world problem.
But I can explain to you that each database relies on heavy, well elaborated, and highly tuned caching algorithms that prevent a reasonable timing if you loop through the same statement. The statement is preparsed and cached, the previously calculated execution plan is used again and if result set caching is available, the execution may be skipped at all, and the old result set will just be returned to the client.
So, we will have to clear the buffer cache and shared pool before we can execute each statement once, if we really would like to have reasonable timing data for at least one execution of each statement. Days : 0. Hours : 0. Minutes : 0. Seconds : 2. Ticks : TotalDays : 2,E TotalHours : 0, Seconds : 0. TotalDays : 3,E TotalHours : 8,E These data are more realistic!
But still the data adapter is ready in 0. Is it real that the data adapter received the results 7 to 8 times faster than the reader? Very unlikely, I would say. I will flush the database cache each time before I test the statement.
We can definitely expect that most of the time if used inside the loop:. It may be that they are slowing the operation down:. Well, this is not too bad at all! It seems to be even faster than the preceding measurement, which is, of course, hardly possible. It is more or less a result of inaccurate timing for such fast operations.
Even if we consume the data, we are still pretty fast getting at the results! So what else could be the reason why? No remarkable changes, too! No significant change, but the objects were empty! At least partially. We found the slow operation: Adding members to the PsCustomObject seems to be very time consuming. Comparing it to the original 2. This would be an improvement that Windows Powershell offers for free! It is less coding and less failure and as we have seen here less execution time!
Back to the main insight now: Adding members to our object is slowing the function down! The final question is: Do we have alternative ways to build object and are they faster? Well, we can build objects like this in Windows Powershell:. GetOracleDecimal 0 ;. GetOracleString 1 ;.
GetOracleDate 2 ;. This seems to make a difference, too. It is still faster than Add-Member , but slower than the second solution … at least in this case. But wait! There is still another new solution available in Windows Powershell 3.
We have the new [pscustomobject] type accelerator available now:. The last thing I want to do now is to generalize the solution a little further! We still have used a special query up to now that returns three values in each row with fixed data types: OracleDecimal , OracleString , and OracleDate. This is very special and the question arises if we can modify the solution further to accept other types of data and more or less than three columns per row.
Of course, we can but as a constructor of a [pscustomobject] with variable initial values is not available, can we still profit the fastest solution or will we have to go back to the Add-Member solution, which is very slow?
GetSchemaTable , where this information is part of the row description:. But even if we had the type information, we would further have to use this information in a switch statement to retrieve the function call that is appropriate for the current field type.
This is not fun! But wait, there is an easier way out! We can use the type neutral function:. Object GetOracleValue int i. Nicely enough, the field count is a property of the data reader:.
This way we can use the fast constructor but have a variable initialization. In fact, we are back to where we started from: We have a time of over 2 seconds again. A little additional overhead would be OK, if we can generalize queries. But is it really true that we are back to where we started from? I really thought so at first but investigating things further I discovered that the loop construct followed by the pipe is quite slow. This is quite acceptable for a generalized solution!
Something to remember! If you are not convinced that it really does what it is supposed to do, we can supply some alternative queries just to present the results. Here is result of a query that returns the Fibonacci numbers and the depth level of the recursion or just a counter if you prefer that. In easy words: Start with two numbers 0 and 1. You may notice that calculating the last values takes a noticeable amount of time.
Just one last remark. There is also an iterative solution available that is by far faster, of course, as shown here:. And I can tell you that this statement runs in nearly no time, too! It is usually available to each user. The results are looking good but maybe you expected that the order of the displayed columns should be different according to the select statement.
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Vulkan 1. May 8, Archived from the original on October 28, Retrieved November 1, Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved September 22, Now powered by Android Marshmallow. January 13, Archived from the original on April 7, Retrieved April 7, August 25, Archived from the original on November 12, August 24, Android Source. Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved December 22, Archived from the original on March 14, Future plc.
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May 9, Archived from the original PDF on June 1, Follow me finding. Earrings purchased are strictly non-exchangeable and non-refundable.
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Perhaps you’d like to talk Very beautiful house “le Clos du chat tambour”, of m2 with basement, for sale on the Alabaster coast in Seine Maritime This house with a garden of m2, benefits from an exceptional location, quiet, 3km from the sea and 7 km from the city center Sell a living room coffee table made of exotic solid wood. This semi-precious wooden coffee table “Courbaril” was brought back from French Guiana in Even for our Oracle databases, the.
OracleClient, which has been part of the. NET Framework ever since but now it has been marked as deprecated and will no longer be supported in future Framework versions starting with. NET Framework 4. NET has been around for some years, too.
But we always used the Microsoft provider because it has been part of the Framework anyway and it worked fine out of the box. But, nowadays, as most companies are migrating to bit systems, another level of complexity has been added to the provider choice: You have to pay attention to the combination of installed Oracle clients and data providers on the machines your company is running because the Microsoft and the Oracle provider rely and cooperate with an installed Oracle client version on each workstation and this can be a bit or a bit client.
Note You can walk through this article using the unmanaged Oracle. And if you use the Microsoft System. OracleClient you will also be able to follow me with very little effort! Even if you use another RDBMS, chances are that you can easily build an analogue scenario for your database. NET 2, Database Extensions for. Everything can be installed via the Oracle Universal installer, which is part of the pack, too.
NET should be your first choice. Also, be aware that the standard Oracle Client may be a large piece of software! Depending on the functionality needed, you may have to dedicate over MB on each workstation.
The Instant Client is an improvement, which reduces the size of the client to about MB as there are only a couple of binaries DLL delivered in this package, which can be copied to each workstation without the need of any further Setup.
However, it only contains the most basic functionality where additional add-ons might be needed. A major problem is that depending on your software mix, it might be necessary to install the bit and the bit versions of the client, which is a challenge on its own, if you have to make both versions available on one machine. Another option that offers. NET and is available in a and bit versions.
This was the way I preferred to query our database up to now. A couple of weeks ago, Oracle released the public beta of an ODP.
NET version that makes life much easier now. NET is available for download at the Oracle. Net Developer center. When the download is complete, just unzip the file ODP.
Of course, it will be reasonable to have access to an Oracle database server 10g R2 or higher , too. First, import this library. The next step is to create a connection to the database. Here you need to supply credentials to access the database and schema as well as a host and service name.
State : Closed. ClientId :. Database :. HostName :. Site :. State : Open. HostName : wdo And the StatementCacheSize has been updated to a value reported by the server, too. We can never rely on a successful connect. Connecting is fine, but you usually want to do something else—like querying the database for some results! AddRowid : False. BindByName : False. CommandText :. CommandType : Text. Connection : Oracle. Transaction :. FetchSize : RowSize : 0. Notification :.
Container :. The CommandType is Text by default meaning that you will be able to directly supply a select command. CommandText will be the property where the text of the select command will be stored:. There is just one piece missing: How do you execute the command?
You need a reader object to read the result set returned from the database. We received an impressing sign of life from our database! I love to enclose the whole query string in a so-called Windows Powershell here-string , which lets me keep the original formatting of the SQL Server statement even if it spans several rows! Just exchanging the previous select statement with the new statement results in the following:.
What happened here? As our database has a well-elaborated type system, it refuses to convert the intCount value 1 implicitly to a string that is the type of data required to execute the statement:. It says: GetString , not GetInteger , or something else more appropriate! By using Windows Powershell 3.
This is a great help if you are exploring non-Microsoft objects, and it accelerates typing and helps avoid typos, too. It worked! If you prefer to scroll down, you may find some more Oracle-specific GetOracle -functions in the box:.
It worked somehow, but we get more information than expected and needed. The expected result is represented by the value property. True True OracleDecimal System. TypeName: Oracle. Name MemberType Definition. Object obj , int IComparable. CompareTo System. Object obj. Equals Method bool Equals System. GetSchema Method System.
XmlSchema IXmlSerializable. GetType Method type GetType. ReadXml System. XmlReader reader. ToByte Method byte ToByte. ToDouble Method double ToDouble. ToInt16 Method int16 ToInt ToInt32 Method int ToInt ToInt64 Method long ToInt ToSingle Method float ToSingle.
ToString Method string ToString. WriteXml System. XmlWriter writer. Well, it is obvious that we could use the To… functions to convert the resulting decimal value to some other sub datatypes.
Well, there is one reason in the world of databases that is incompatible to the type system of most other programming or script languages and always requires special treatment: Null values! In most traditional programming languages special functions have been introduced to test for nullable values.
That said, our new query does work for us, but hey, we only received one value where three values should be available: intCount , strCount , and datCount! The solution is rather obvious so we can simply add two statements after the GetOracleDecimal call:. We can query rather complex Oracle result sets now!
In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. An Author Correction to this article was published on 05 October The coronavirus disease COVID pandemic caused a rapid shift to full-time remote work for many information workers. Viewing this shift as a natural experiment in which some workers were already working remotely before the pandemic enables us to separate the effects of firm-wide remote work from other pandemic-related confounding factors.
Our results show that firm-wide remote work caused the collaboration network of workers to become more static and siloed, with fewer bridges between disparate parts. Furthermore, there was a decrease in synchronous communication and an increase in asynchronous communication.
Together, these effects may make it harder for employees to acquire and share new information across the network. Thus, in a matter of weeks, the pandemic caused about one-third of US workers to shift to WFH and nearly every American that was able to work from home did so 4. Many technology companies, such as Twitter, Facebook, Square, Box, Slack and Quora, have taken this shift one step further by announcing longer term and, in some cases permanent, remote work policies that will enable at least some employees to work remotely, even after the pandemic 5 , 6.
More generally, COVID has accelerated the shift away from traditional office work, such that even firms that do not keep full-time remote work policies in place after the pandemic has ended are unlikely to fully return to their pre-COVID work arrangements 7.
Instead, they are likely to switch to some type of hybrid work model, in which employees split their time between remote and office work, or a mixed-mode model, in which firms are comprised of a mixture of full-time remote employees and full-time office employees. For long-term policy decisions regarding remote, hybrid and mixed-mode work to be well informed, decision makers need to understand how remote work would impact information work in the absence of the effects of COVID Previous research has shown that network topology, including the strength of ties, has an important role in the success of both individuals and organizations.
Conditional on a given network position or configuration, the efficacy with which a given tie can transfer or provide access to novel information depends on its strength. Two people connected by a strong tie can often transfer information more easily as they are more likely to share a common perspective , to trust one another, to cooperate with one another, and to expend effort to ensure that recently transferred knowledge is well understood and can be utilized 10 , 13 , 14 , By contrast, weak ties require less time and energy to maintain 8 , 16 and are more likely to provide access to new, non-redundant information 8 , 17 , Our results show that the shift to firm-wide remote work caused business groups within Microsoft to become less interconnected.
Furthermore, the shift to firm-wide remote work caused employees to spend a greater share of their collaboration time with their stronger ties, which are better suited to information transfer, and a smaller share of their time with weak ties, which are more likely to provide access to new information. Previous research has also shown that the performance of workers is affected not only by the structure of the network and the strength of their ties, but also by the temporal dynamics of the network.
Not only do the benefits of different types of ties vary with their age 19 , but people also benefit from changing their network position 20 , 21 , 22 , adding new ties 23 , 24 and reconnecting with dormant ties We find that the shift to firm-wide remote work may have reduced these benefits by making the collaboration network of workers more static—individuals added and deleted fewer ties from month-to-month and spent less time with newly added ties.
Existing theoretical perspectives and empirical results suggest that knowledge transfer and collaboration are also affected by the modes of communication that workers use to collaborate with one another. On the theoretical front, media richness theory 26 , 27 posits that richer communication channels, such as in-person interaction, are best suited to communicating complex information and ideas.
Moreover, media synchronicity theory 28 proposes that asynchronous communication channels such as email are better suited for conveying information and synchronous channels such as video calls are better suited for converging on the meaning of information. There is also a rich body of empirical research that documents the myriad implications of communication media choice for organizations. By contrast, we found that remote work caused employees to communicate more through media that are more asynchronous—sending more emails and many more IMs.
There is a large body of academic research across multiple disciplines that has studied remote work, virtual teams and telecommuting see ref. During the COVID pandemic, there has been renewed public and academic interest in how virtual teams function. Recent analyses of telemetry and survey data show that the pandemic has affected both the who and the how of collaboration in information firms—while working remotely during the pandemic, workers are spending less time in meetings 35 , communicating more by email 35 , collaborating more with their strong ties as opposed to their weak ties 36 , and exhibiting patterns of communication that are more siloed and less stable However, these analyses, like much of the previous research on remote work, virtual teams and telecommuting, are non-causal 31 and are therefore unable to separate the effects of remote work from the effects of pandemic-related confounding factors, such as reduced focus due to COVIDrelated stress or increased caregiving responsibilities while sheltering in place.
Although previous research on the causal effects of remote work does exist, this work has mainly studied employees who volunteer to work remotely, and has focused on settings such as call centres and patent offices 38 , 39 where, relative to the majority of information work, tasks are more easily codifiable and are less likely to depend on collaboration or the transfer of complex knowledge.
As remote work was mandatory during the pandemic, we are able to quantify the effects of firm-wide remote work, which are most relevant for firms considering a transition to an all-remote workforce. Furthermore, as our model specification decomposes the overall effects of firm-wide remote work into ego remote work and collaborator remote work effects, our results also provide some insight into the possible impacts of remote work policies such as mixed-mode work and hybrid work.
Given the scope of our dataset, the workers in our sample perform a wide variety of tasks, including software and hardware development, marketing and business operations. Before the COVID pandemic, managers at Microsoft used their own discretion in deciding whether an employee could work from home, which was the exception rather than the norm.
For this subset of employees, the shift to firm-wide remote work did not cause a change in their own remote work status, but did induce variation in the share of their colleagues who were working remotely. We analysed this natural experiment using a modified difference-in-differences DiD model.
Provided that the identifying assumptions of the DiD model are satisfied, the causal effect of the treatment is obtained by comparing the magnitude of the gap between the treated and untreated groups after the treatment is delivered with the magnitude of the gap between the groups before the treatment is delivered.
The time series trends shown in Fig. Both variables were normalized by subtracting and dividing by the average across the entire sample of that variable in February. Most employees transitioned to WFH during the week of 1 March , although our analysis omits the month of March as a transition period. In all of the analyses that follow, we cannot report the actual level of our outcome variables due to confidentiality concerns.
Instead, throughout the paper we report outcomes and effects in terms of February value FV —the average level of that variable for example, number of bridging ties for all US employees in February. We start by presenting the non-causal time-series trends for different collaboration network outcomes across our entire sample.
Mathematical definitions for these measures are provided in the Methods. Although we did not find evidence of a clear pattern of change around the shift to firm-wide remote work for many of these measures, we did observe large changes in the average shares of monthly collaboration hours spent with cross-group ties, bridging ties, weak ties and added ties, which all decreased precipitously between February and June.
Each variable was normalized by subtracting and dividing by the average FV for that variable. We next used our modified DiD model to isolate the effects of firm-wide remote work on the collaboration network, which are shown in Fig. Although we found no effect on the number of collaborators that employees had the size of their collaboration ego network , we did find that firm-wide remote work decreased the number of distinct business groups that an employee was connected to by 0.
Firm-wide remote work also decreased the cross-group connections of workers by 0. The full results are provided in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. Although formal organizational boundaries shape informal interactions 40 , the formal organization of firms and their informal social structure are two distinct, interrelated concepts Connections that provide access to diverse teams may not bridge structural holes in the network sense 9 , and connections that bridge structural holes in the network sense may not provide access to different parts of the formal organizational chart.
We then measured the effect of firm-wide remote work on the number of bridging ties that each worker had and the amount of time that each worker spent with their bridging ties. We found that, on average, firm-wide remote work decreased the number of bridging ties by 0.
The fact that firm-wide remote work caused workers to have fewer bridging ties, and to spend less time with their remaining bridging ties, suggests that firm-wide remote work may have reduced the ability of workers to access new information in other parts of the network.
We also found that firm-wide remote work caused a 0. Given the fact that we did not observe a statistically significant effect of remote work on the number of colleagues with whom workers collaborate, this result suggests that, on average, firm-wide remote work caused workers to substitute ties that were not connected to one another for those that were.
In other words, different portions of the network, which became less interconnected, also became more intraconnected. Although we have not seen strong and weak ties defined in this exact way elsewhere in the research literature on social networks, the research community has not, to our knowledge, converged on a standard way to measure tie strength.
Our operationalization is similar to a common tie strength definition that simply counts the amount of contact between ties 43 , 44 , 45 and allows tie strength to vary over time on the basis of the relative amount of contact between two people As the median is just one possible cut-off to distinguish between strong and weak ties, we also analysed the entire distribution of collaboration time for each worker and confirmed that the average ego-level-normalized Herfindahl—Hirschman index HHI 47 of the collaboration time is increased by remote work, and that the average ego-level Shannon entropy 48 of collaboration time is decreased by remote work.
The effects of firm-wide remote work on both of these outcomes are provided in Supplementary Table 2. Furthermore, the shift to firm-wide remote work decreased the share of time that workers spent collaborating with the connections they did add by 0. This suggests that the added ties that we observed are a mixture of dormant ties 25 and ties that are truly new. Overall, the changes that we observed in the temporal dynamics of ego networks may have made it more difficult for workers to capture the benefits associated with forming new connections 23 , 24 , reconnecting with dormant connections 25 and modulating their network position 20 , 21 , These results are robust to the use of alternative definitions of added and deleted ties full details are provided in the Supplementary Information.
Figure 4 shows the non-causal time-series trends for workweek hours and different communication media outcomes across our entire sample.
Detailed definitions for each of these outcomes are provided in the Methods. The change in email volume is much smaller and shorter-lived. Figure 4f shows the change in workweek hours, a metric that measures the total amount of time between the first observed work activity and the last observed work activity on each work day in a given week.
Although there was a sustained increase in workweek hours, it was too small to account for the large increases that we observed in the use of various communication media without a simultaneous shift in the way that employees were conducting work. Relative to the baseline case of all coworkers working in an office together, we found that firm-wide remote work decreased scheduled meeting hours by 0.
The increase in unscheduled calls was more than offset by the decrease in scheduled meeting hours. We estimate that firm-wide remote work caused a slight decrease of 0. The full results are provided in Supplementary Table 3. Although firm-wide remote work caused a decrease in synchronous communication, it also caused an increase in the amount of asynchronous communication.
Firm-wide remote work increased the number of emails sent by workers by 0. Firm-wide remote work also increased the average number of workweek hours by 0. The fact that shifting to firm-wide remote work increased the number of workweek hours also makes the negative effect of firm-wide remote work on synchronous collaboration more notable.
The increase in workweek hours could be an indication that employees were less productive and required more time to complete their work, or that they replaced some of their commuting time with work time; however, as we are able to measure only the time between the first and last work activity in a day, it could also be that the same amount of working time is spread across a greater share of the calendar day due to breaks or interruptions for non-work activities.
Although the effects of firm-wide remote work on collaboration networks did not exhibit heterogeneity across the worker attributes that we observed, the effects of firm-wide remote work on communication media were in some cases larger for managers and engineers. We also find that the shift to firm-wide remote work caused larger increases for engineers than non-engineers in the number of IMs sent and the number of unscheduled call hours Fig.
This may be reflective of the fact that software development teams are particularly reliant on informal communication 49 , 50 , 51 , much of which may have taken place in-person before the shift to firm-wide remote work. We did not find meaningful heterogeneity with respect to employee tenure at Microsoft. The full results are provided in Supplementary Tables 8 , 9 , 22 and As seen in Fig. Overall, we found that collaborators switching to remote work caused workers to spend less time attending to sources of new information, communicate more through asynchronous media and work longer hours.
Looking to the future, these findings suggest that remote work policies such as mixed-mode and hybrid work may have substantial effects not only on those working remotely but also on those remaining in the office. All effects were normalized by dividing by the average level of that variable in February. Furthermore, the network became more static, with fewer ties added and deleted per month.
Our results also indicate that the shift to firm-wide remote work caused synchronous communication to decrease and asynchronous communication to increase. These changes in communication media may have made it more difficult for workers to convey and process complex information 26 , 27 , Yet, across many sectors, firms are making decisions to adopt permanent remote work policies based only on short-term data Importantly, the causal estimates that we report are substantially different compared with the effects suggested by the observational trends shown in Figs.
Thus, firms making decisions on the basis of non-causal analyses may set suboptimal policies. For example, some firms that choose a permanent remote work policy may put themselves at a disadvantage by making it more difficult for workers to collaborate and exchange information.
Beyond estimating the causal effects of firm-wide remote work, our results also provide preliminary insights into the effects of remote work policies such as mixed-mode and hybrid work. Specifically, the non-trivial collaborator effects that we estimate suggest that hybrid and mixed-mode work arrangements may not work as firms expect. The most effective implementations of hybrid and mixed-mode work might be those that deliberately attempt to minimize the impact of collaborator effects on those employees that are not working remotely; for example, firms might consider implementations of hybrid work in which certain teams come into the office on certain days, or in which most or all workers come into the office on some days and work remotely otherwise.
Firms might also consider arrangements in which only certain types of workers for example, individual contributors are able to work remotely. Although we believe these early insights are helpful, firms and academics will need to undertake a combination of quantitative and qualitative research once the COVID pandemic has ended to better measure both the benefits and the downsides of different remote work policies.
Large firms with the ability to collect rich telemetry data will be particularly well-positioned to build on the quantitative insights presented in this work by conducting large-scale internal field experiments. If published externally, these experiments could have the capacity to greatly further our collective understanding of the causal effects of both firm-wide remote work and other work arrangements such as hybrid work and mixed-mode work.
Our results, which report both direct effects and indirect effects of remote work, suggest that such experimentation needs to be conducted carefully. In conducting these experiments, it is crucial that firms use experiment designs that are optimized for capturing the overall effects of remote work policies, for example, graph cluster randomization 53 , 54 or switchback randomization Our research is not without its limitations.
First, our study characterizes the impacts of firm-wide remote work on the US employees of one major technology firm. Although we expect our results to generalize to other technology firms, this may not be the case. Caution should also be exercised in generalizing our results to other sectors and other countries.
Second, the period of time over which we measured the causal effects of remote work are quite short three months , and it is possible that the long-term effects of firm-wide remote work are different. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic, workers were able to leverage existing network connections, many of which were built in person.
This may not be possible if firm-wide remote work were implemented long-term. Although we have taken steps to verify the plausibility of these assumptions and tested the robustness of our results to an alternative matching procedure 60 details of which are provided in the Methods , they are assumptions nonetheless.
There are multiple high-profile cases of firms such as IBM and Yahoo! On the basis of these examples, one might conclude that the current enthusiasm for remote work may not ultimately translate into a long-lasting shift to remote work for the majority of firms. However, during the COVID pandemic, workers and firms have invested in the physical and human capital required to support remote work 63 and innovation has shifted toward new technologies that support remote work Both of these factors make it more likely that for many firms, some version of remote work will persist beyond the pandemic.
In light of this fact, the importance of deepening our understanding of remote work and its impacts has never been greater.
The use of the data is compliant with US employee privacy laws. Employee privacy restrictions in many countries prevent us from reporting on workers outside the US.
No information on international coworkers except for counting interactions with US employees was obtained for research purposes or analysed.
Microsoft provides employees with appropriate notice of its use of Workplace Analytics, and sets strict controls over the collection and use of such data. In our collaboration network, each worker is a node. For employees WFH, all of their colleagues are considered to be remote from them, whereas, for those in an office, colleagues are remote to them if those colleagues are WFH or are located on a Microsoft campus in a different city. Our modified DiD model extends the standard DiD model in two ways.
Second, our model allows the variation in our treatment variables to be induced by one exogenous shock that affects all workers in our sample, but affects some workers differently compared with others. We estimate the average treatment effect for the treated ATT of ego remote work and collaborator remote work on all outcome measures using the following specification:. We estimate this model using data from February, April, May and June We omitted March because workers were transitioning from office work to WFH beginning in the first week of the month.
Our ability to causally identify both ATTs is predicated on a number of identifying assumptions, some of which are standard in DiD analyses and some of which are specific to our research setting. Time-series trends for different subsets of the matched sample are compared in Fig. The general rule of thumb would be to recreate the item and delete the item that was moved out to the CalCheck folder. This is useful when running the tool in Server mode – as each user will get their report in their Inbox:.
Part of this check uses the legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox. If the legacyExchangeDN has changed for any reason – like a migration – then this test will give errors for items that may not really be in error.
The error that is logged by CalCheck will show both DNs. Here is an example:. The mailbox here is the same actual mailbox – but because the legacyExchangeDN changed – it is marked as an error. This can slow the process down a bit due to the extra processing and memory usage. Please leave feedback! Thanks – and I hope this will help save time in diagnosing and resolving calendar issues for you! You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you’ve already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
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I agree. I assume this is going to be no problem for anybody: If you have grievances “I wrote that code assuming the copyright would stay the same” mail me.
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Kinect is a line of motion sensing input devices produced by Microsoft and first released in The devices generally contain RGB cameras, configyration infrared projectors and detectors that map depth through either structured light or time of flight calculations, which can in turn be used to perform real-time gesture recognition and body skeletal detection, among other capabilities.
They also contain microphones that can be used for speech recognition and voice control. Kinect was originally developed as a motion controller peripheral for Xbox video game consolesdistinguished from competitors such as Nintendo’s Wii Remote and Sony’s PlayStation Move by not requiring physical controllers. The first-generation Kinect was based on technology from Standarr company PrimeSenseand unveiled at E3 as a peripheral for Xbox codenamed ” Project Natal “.
It was first released on November 4,and would go on to sell страница million units in its first 60 days of availability. The majority of the games developed for Kinect were casualfamily-oriented titles, which ссылка на подробности to attract new audiences to Xboxbut did not result in wide adoption by the console’s existing, overall userbase. As part of the unveiling of Xbox ‘s successor, Xbox One microskft, Microsoft unveiled a second-generation version of Kinect with improved tracking capabilities.
Microsoft also announced that Kinect would be a required component of the console, and that it would not microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free unless the peripheral is connected. The requirement proved controversial among users and critics due to privacy concerns, prompting Microsoft to backtrack on the decision.
However, Microsoft would still bundle the new Kinect with Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free One consoles upon their launch in November A market for Succezsfully games still did not emerge after the Xbox One’s launch; Microsoft microsoft office 2007 ms word free download free download later offer Xbox One hardware bundles without Kinect included, and later revisions of the console removed the dedicated ports used to connect it requiring a powered USB adapter instead.
Microsoft ended production of Kinect for Xbox One in Jot Kinect has also been used as part of non-gaming applications in academic and commercial environments, as it was cheaper and more robust compared to other depth-sensing technologies at the time. While Microsoft initially objected to such applications, it later released software development kits SDKs for the development of Microsoft Windows applications that use Kinect.
InMicrosoft released Azure Kinect as a continuation http://replace.me/27065.txt the technology integrated with the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Part of the Kinect technology was also used within Microsoft’s Hololens project. The origins of the Kinect started aroundat a point where technology vendors were starting to develop depth-sensing cameras. Microsoft had been interested in a 3D camera for the Xbox line earlier but microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free the technology had not been refined, had placed it in the “Boneyard”, a collection of possible technology they could not immediately work on.
InPrimeSense was founded by tech-savvy mathematicians and engineers from Israel to configration the “next big sketchup pro 2017 download free download for video games, incorporating cameras that were capable of mapping a human body in front of them and sensing hand motions. They showed off their system at the Game Developers Conferencewhere Micfosoft Alex Kipman, the general manager of hardware incubation, saw the potential in PrimeSense’s technology for the Xbox system.
Microsoft began discussions with PrimeSense about what would need to be done to make their product more consumer-friendly: not only improvements in the capabilities of depth-sensing cameras, but a reduction in size and cost, and a means to manufacturer the units at scale was required. PrimeSense spent the next few years working at these improvements. Nintendo released configuratin Wii in November The Wii’s central feature was the Wii Remotea handheld device that was detected by the Wii through a motion sensor bar mounted onto a television screen to enable motion controlled games.
Microsoft felt pressure from the Wii, and began looking into depth-sensing in more detail with PrimeSense’s hardware, but could not get to the level of motion tracking they desired. While they could determine hand gestures, and sense the general shape of a body, they could not do skeletal tracking. A separate path didd Microsoft looked to create an equivalent of the Wii Remote, considering that this type of unit may become standardized similar to how two-thumbstick controllers officf a standard feature.
Kudo Tsunoda and Darren Bennett joined Configurqtion inand began working with Feee on a new approach to depth-sensing aided microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free machine learning to improve skeletal tracking. They internally demonstrated this and established where they believed the technology could be in a few years, which led to the strong interest completf fund further development of пять!
adobe illustrator cc 2019 paint bucket free download этом technology; this has also occurred at a time that Microsoft executives wanted to abandon the Wii-like motion die approach, and favored the depth-sensing solution to present a product that went beyond the Wii’s capabilities. The project was greenlit by late with work started in Additionally, Kipman recognized the Latin origins of the word “natal” to mean “to be born”, reflecting the new types of audiences they hoped to draw with the technology.
The Microsoft team discovered from this research that the up-and-down angle of the depth-sensing camera would either need to be adjusted manually, or would require an expensive motor to move automatically. Upper management at Microsoft opted to include the motor despite the increased cost to avoid breaking game immersion. Узнать больше project work also involved packaging the system for mass production and optimizing its performance.
Hardware development took around 22 months. During hardware development, Microsoft engaged with software developers to use Kinect. Microsoft wanted to make games that would be playable by families since Kinect could sense multiple bodies in front of it. One of the first internal titles developed for the device was the pack-in game Kinect Adventures developed by Good Science Studio that was part of Microsoft Studios. One of the game modes of Kinect Adventures was “Reflex Ridge”, based on the Japanese Brain Wall game where players attempt to contort their bodies in a short time to match cutouts microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free a wall moving at them.
This type of game was a key example of the type of interactivity they wanted with Kinect, and its development helped feed into the hardware improvements. Nearing the planned release, there was a problem of widespread testing of Kinect in various room types and different bodies accounting for age, gender, and race among other factors, while keeping the details of the unit microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free.
Microsoft engaged in a company-wide program offering employees to take home Kinect nkt to test them. Microsoft also brought other non-gaming divisions, including its Microsoft ResearchMicrosoft Здесьand Bing teams to help complete the system.
Microsoft established its own large-scale manufacturing facility to bulk product Kinect units and test them. Kinect was first announced to the public as “Project Natal” on June 1,during Microsoft’s press conference at E3 ; film director Steven Spielberg joined Microsoft’s Don Mattrick to introduce the technology and its potential.
In the months following E3rumors that a new Xbox nor associated with Project Natal emerged, either a retail configuration that incorporated the peripheral, [23] [24] or as a hardware revision or upgrade to support the peripheral. Microsoft indicated that the company considered Project Natal to be a significant initiative, as fundamental to Xbox brand as Xbox Live[22] and with a planned launch akin to that of a new Xbox console platform.
Following the E3 show and throughthe Project Natal team members experimentally adapted numerous games to Kinect-based control schemes to help evaluate usability. Companies like Harmonix and Standarf Fine quickly took to Project Natal and saw the potential in it, and committed to div games for the unit, such as the launch title Dance Central from Harmonix. Although its sensor unit was originally complee to contain a microprocessor that would perform operations such as the system’s skeletal mapping, Microsoft reported in January that the sensor would no longer feature a dedicated processor.
These observed believed that instead the industry would develop games standarv to microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free Kinect features.
During Microsoft’s E3 press conference, it was announced that Project Natal would be officially branded as Kinect, and be released in North America on November 4, All units included Kinect Adventures as a pack-in game. Successvully continued confiiguration refine the Kinect technology in the months leading to the Kinect launch in November The Kinect release for the Xbox was estimated to have sold eight million units in the first sixty days of release, earning the hardware the Guinness World Record for the “Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device”.
Microsoft provided news of these changes to the third-party developers to help them anticipate how the improvements can be integrated into the games. Concurrent with the Kinect improvements, Microsoft’s Xbox hardware team had started planning for succesefully Xbox One around mid Part microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free early Xbox One specifications was that the new Kinect hardware would be automatically included with the console, больше на странице that developers would know that Kinect completd would be available for any Xbox One, and hoping to encourage developers to take advantage of that.
Microsoft stated at these events that the Xbox One would include the updated Kinect hardware and it would be required to be plugged in at all times for the Compltee One to function. This raised concerns across the video game media: privacy advocates argued that Kinect sensor data could be used for targeted advertisingand to mirosoft unauthorized surveillance on users.
In response to these claims, Microsoft reiterated that Kinect voice recognition and motion tracking can be disabled by users, that Kinect ckmplete cannot be used for advertising per its privacy policyand that the console would not redistribute user-generated content without permission.
Microsoft announced microsoff August that they had made several changes to the planned Xbox One release in response cid the backlash. Among these was that the system would no longer require a Kinect unit to be plugged in to work, though it was still planned to package the Kinect with all Xbox One systems.
Stanrard Irving, a program group manager that oversaw Kinect, ffree that Microsoft had felt that it was more important to give developers and consumers the option of developing for or purchasing the Kinect rather than forcing the unit on them. The removal of Kinect from the Xbox One retail package was the start of the rapid microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free and phase-out of the unit within Microsoft.
Developers like Harmonix that had been originally targeting games to use the Xbox One had put these games on hold until successfukly knew there was enough of a Kinect install base to justify release, which resulted in a lack of games for the Kinect and reducing any consumer drive to buy the separate unit.
Microsoft formally announced it would stop manufacturing Kinect for Xbox One on October 25, This is considered by the media to be the point where Staneard ceased work on the Kinect for the Xbox platform.
While the Kinect unit for the Xbox platform had petered out, the Kinect had found new life in succesfully and other applications since around In roboticsKinect’s depth-sensing would enable robots to determine the shape and approximate distances to obstacles and maneuver around them.
Around Novemberafter the Kinect’s launch, scientists, engineers, and hobbyists had been able to hack into the Kinect to determine what hardware and internal software it had used, leading to users microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free how to connect and operate the Kinect with Microsoft Windows and OS X over USB, which has unsecured data from the various camera elements that could configuratikn read.
This further led to prototype demos of other possible applications, such as a gesture-based user interface for the operating system similar to that shown in complehe film Minority Reportas well as pornographic applications. Adafruit Industrieshaving envisioned some of the possible applications of the Kinect outside of gaming, issued a security challenge related 207 the Kinect, offering prize money for the complefe development of an open source software development kit SDK and hardware drivers for the Kinect, which came to be known as Open Kinect.
This is happening today, and this is happening tomorrow. Microsoft initially took issue with users hacking into the Kinect, stating they would incorporate additional safeguards into future iterations of the unit to prevent such hacks.
The first thing to talk about is, Kinect was not actually hacked. Hacking would mean that someone got to our algorithms that sit inside of the Xbox and was able to actually stwndard them, which hasn’t happened. Or, it means that you put microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free device between the sensor and the Xbox for means of cheating, which also has not happened.
That’s what we call hacking, and that’s what we have put a по этому адресу of work and effort to make sure doesn’t actually occur.
What has happened is someone wrote an open-source driver for PCs that essentially opens the USB connection, which we didn’t protect, by design, and reads the inputs from the sensor. The sensor, again, as I talked earlier, has eyes and ears, and that’s a whole bunch of noise that someone needs to take and turn into signal.
Frde along with robotics firm Willow Garage sstandard game developer Side-Kick launched OpenNIgree not-for-profit group to develop portable drivers for the Kinect and other natural interface NI mifrosoft, in November The resulting product, the Wavi Xtion, was released in October Microsoft announced in February that it was planning on releasing its own SDK for the Kinect within a few months, and which was officially released on June 16,but which was limited to non-commercial uses.
With the dld announcement of the revised Kinect for Xbox One inMicrosoft also confirmed it would have a second generation of Kinect for Windows based on the updated Kinect technology by Microsoft stated that the demand for the Kinect 2 for Windows demand was high and confoguration to keep up while also fulfilling the Kinect for Xbox One orders, and that they had found commercial offife successfully using the Kinect for Xbox One in their applications without issue.
Though Kinect had been cancelled, the ideas of it helped to spur Microsoft into looking more into accessibility for Xbox and its games. According to Phil Spencerthe head of Xbox at Microsoft, they received positive comments from parents посетить страницу disabled and impaired children who were happy that Kinect allowed their children to play video games.
These efforts led to the development of the Xbox Adaptive Controllerreleased inas one of Microsoft’s efforts in this area. Microsoft had abandoned the idea of Kinect for video games, but still explored the potential привожу ссылку Kinect beyond that. Microsoft’s Director of Communications Greg Sullivan successdully in that “I think one of the things that is comolete to be understood is that Kinect was successfullu really just посетить страницу источник gaming peripheral It was always more.
Microsoft announced that it was working on a new version of a hardware Kinect model for non-game applications that would integrate with their Azure cloud computing services in May The use of cloud computing to offload some of the computational work from Kinect, as well as more powerful features enable by Azure such as artificial intelligence would improve the accuracy of the depth-sensing and reduce the power demand and would configuraiton to stancard compact units, Microsoft configyration envisioned.
Sky UK announced a new line of Sky Glass television units to launch in that incorporate the Kinect technology in partnership with Microsoft. Using the Kinect features, the viewer will microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free able to control the television through motion controls and audio commands, and supports social features such as social viewing.
The depth and motion sensing technology at the core of the Kinect is enabled through its depth-sensing. The original Didd for Xbox used structured light for this: the unit used a standarv infrared pattern projected across the space in front of the Kinect, while an infrared sensor captured the reflected light pattern.
What CalCheck does.Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free
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This semi-precious wooden coffee table “Courbaril” was brought back from French Guiana in First, import this library. The next step is to create a connection to the database. Here you need to supply credentials to access the database and schema as well as a host and service name.
State : Closed. ClientId :. Database :. HostName :. Site :. State : Open. HostName : wdo And the StatementCacheSize has been updated to a value reported by the server, too. We can never rely on a successful connect. Connecting is fine, but you usually want to do something else—like querying the database for some results! AddRowid : False. BindByName : False. CommandText :. CommandType : Text. Connection : Oracle.
Transaction :. FetchSize : RowSize : 0. Notification :. Container :. The CommandType is Text by default meaning that you will be able to directly supply a select command. CommandText will be the property where the text of the select command will be stored:.
There is just one piece missing: How do you execute the command? You need a reader object to read the result set returned from the database. We received an impressing sign of life from our database! I love to enclose the whole query string in a so-called Windows Powershell here-string , which lets me keep the original formatting of the SQL Server statement even if it spans several rows! Just exchanging the previous select statement with the new statement results in the following:.
What happened here? As our database has a well-elaborated type system, it refuses to convert the intCount value 1 implicitly to a string that is the type of data required to execute the statement:. It says: GetString , not GetInteger , or something else more appropriate! By using Windows Powershell 3. This is a great help if you are exploring non-Microsoft objects, and it accelerates typing and helps avoid typos, too.
It worked! If you prefer to scroll down, you may find some more Oracle-specific GetOracle -functions in the box:. It worked somehow, but we get more information than expected and needed. The expected result is represented by the value property. True True OracleDecimal System. TypeName: Oracle. Name MemberType Definition. Object obj , int IComparable.
CompareTo System. Object obj. Equals Method bool Equals System. GetSchema Method System. XmlSchema IXmlSerializable. GetType Method type GetType. ReadXml System. XmlReader reader. ToByte Method byte ToByte. ToDouble Method double ToDouble. ToInt16 Method int16 ToInt ToInt32 Method int ToInt ToInt64 Method long ToInt ToSingle Method float ToSingle. ToString Method string ToString. WriteXml System.
XmlWriter writer. Well, it is obvious that we could use the To… functions to convert the resulting decimal value to some other sub datatypes. Well, there is one reason in the world of databases that is incompatible to the type system of most other programming or script languages and always requires special treatment: Null values!
In most traditional programming languages special functions have been introduced to test for nullable values. That said, our new query does work for us, but hey, we only received one value where three values should be available: intCount , strCount , and datCount! The solution is rather obvious so we can simply add two statements after the GetOracleDecimal call:.
We can query rather complex Oracle result sets now! What about receiving several rows as result of a query? Of course, we could add this in a one liner by using a constant string, which is not the way I would like to do that! IsKey :. DataType : System. IsLong : False. Along with a whole bunch of other valuable information about our data columns, we can access the ColumnName property:.
If we can retrieve the column names, we may come up with a nice header line after some formatting:. We would prefer to have objects here and let Windows Powershell do all the formatting for us.
GetOracleDecimal 0. GetOracleString 1. GetOracleDate 2. Additionally, the filtering and sorting capabilities of a data grid view are now for free. I did exchange the data reader with a data adapter, which has a Fill method that can automatically populate a dataset or data table with the results of the select statement. This is at least a timesaver writing the script code. A rather interesting question came to mind now: Is it a timesaver regarding performance, too?
Well, we probably should do some testing now. But measuring the execution time of the select command is most likely faulty if we just execute one select. Maybe 10 selects would provide a better measurement basis and retrieving more than 10 rows, maybe , might be better, too.
To do so, we are getting a bit more Windows Powershell-stylish now and encapsulate the two scripts in functions. But we should definitely consider some more changes. The new versions of the script might look even better if we parameterize the select statement and probably the connection string, too! Additionally, the use of a constant connection string is not the best solution.
I added rudimentary error checking and a very simple checking on both input parameters, too. We just set the whole function inside a try-catch-finally block to catch and report any errors that are likely to happen during database operations. I mentioned above that it might be necessary to do some repetitions if you want to measure the execution time of each command to get a feeling for the performance of both procedures, but, in fact, it is rather obvious that the first command lasts longer than the second does.
However, measure the time for 10 loops of each command now. Instead of the last two lines, do the following:. And definitely wrong, as I can tell you from my experience! Archived from the original on November 16, Archived from the original on December 3, Market Share. Net Applications. November 19, September 24, Archived from the original on December 14, November 10, Archived from the original on June 28, Google Press Center. Google Inc. August 12, Archived from the original on July 11, IDG News Service.
Archived from the original on March 15, Retrieved February 16, Retrieved October 1, Retrieved November 10, Archived from the original on July 14, Retrieved July 12, O’Reilly, Tim ed. Jupiter Broadcasting.
November 26, Retrieved September 7, — via YouTube. Archived from the original on October 17, Retrieved October 16, July 23—26, Retrieved October 10, Tim Jones May 31, IBM Developer Works. Wayland Phoronix “. Archived from the original on October 22, Retrieved October 11, Retrieved February 14, Archived from the original on November 6, Archived from the original on October 7, Chapter 7. Archived from the original on January 25, Retrieved December 11, Archived from the original on February 26, Debian FAQ.
Archived from the original on October 16, Linux Journal. Archived from the original on April 4, Archived from the original on October 10, Retrieved September 17, Retrieved February 24, Archived from the original on August 8, Retrieved January 17, Archived from the original on January 10, Retrieved November 14, Retrieved May 3, Archived from the original on October 19, Retrieved December 16, Archived from the original on January 23, Retrieved January 23, Retrieved November 13, PC Gamer.
Find out here”. Linux Hardware Project. Retrieved June 26, Look at the Numbers! Archived from the original on April 5, Retrieved November 12, Computer Associates International. October 10, Archived from the original on February 17, Archived from the original on June 3, Archived from the original on June 27, Windows usage statistics, November “. May 29, Archived from the original on January 17, Archived from the original on July 5, Retrieved June 13, Retrieved October 14, Archived from the original on January 12, Retrieved July 28, Archived from the original on July 12, Archived from the original on April 11, Retrieved March 11, Retrieved November 17, Archived from the original on March 1, Retrieved March 16, Archived from the original on August 9, Retrieved February 21, Archived from the original on July 28, March 4, Retrieved June 22, Microprocessor Report.
Archived from the original on September 18, Retrieved April 15, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The Guardian. December 27, Retrieved December 31, GNU Project. June 2, Archived from the original on December 7, Retrieved December 5, Linux Kernel Mailing List.
Archived from the original on April 22, Archived from the original on December 1, February 7, Archived from the original on January 3, Retrieved November 9, Archived from the original on April 21, Retrieved May 11, GDP Then? Retrieved February 12, June 17, Retrieved September 16, June 19, Retrieved January 31, May 31, Archived from the original on February 3, Archived from the original on April 12, Archived from the original on February 13, LMI has restructured its sublicensing program.
Retrieved February 8, Archived from the original on May 19, Retrieved December 12, December 8, Retrieved January 30, Balsa; et al. October 17, Archived from the original on October 1, Split Perspective. Archived from the original on February 7, Retrieved January 28, Linux at Wikipedia’s sister projects. General comparison Distributions list Netbook-specific comparison Distributions that run from RAM Lightweight Security-focused operating system Proprietary software for Linux Package manager Package format List of software package managers.
Linux portal Free and open-source software portal Category. Contributors to the Linux operating system. Kuhn Bruce Perens Eric S. Linux portal. Linux distributions. List Linux portal Comparison Category. Unix and Unix-like operating systems and compatibility layers. Italics indicate discontinued branches. Category Commons.
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Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and librariesmany of which are provided by the GNU Project. Popular Linux distributions [18] [19] [20] include DebianFedora Linuxand Ubuntuwhich in itself has many different distributions and modifications, including Lubuntu and Xubuntu.
Distributions intended for servers may omit graphics altogether, or include a microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free stack such as LAMP.
Because Linux is freely redistributable, anyone may create a distribution for any purpose. Linux was originally developed for personal computers based on miceosoft Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more platforms than any other operating system. Linux also runs on embedded systemsi. Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and 207 software collaboration. The source code may be used, modified and distributed commercially or non-commercially by anyone under the terms of microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License GPL.
The Linux kernel, for example, is licensed under the GPLv2, with a special exception for system callsas without the microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free call exception any program calling on the kernel would be considered a derivative and therefore the GPL would have to apply to that program.
The availability of a high-level language implementation of Unix made its porting to different computer platforms easier. As a result, Unix grew quickly and became widely adopted by academic institutions and businesses. Onyx Systems began selling early microcomputer-based Unix workstations in Later, Sun Microsystemsfounded as dd spin-off of a student project compleet Stanford Universityalso began selling Unix-based desktop workstations in While Sun workstations didn’t utilize commodity PC hardware like Linux was later developed 0207, it represented the first successful commercial attempt at distributing a primarily single-user microcomputer that ran a Unix operating system.
With Unix increasingly “locked in” as a proprietary product, the GNU Projectstarted in by Richard Stallmanhad the goal of creating a “complete Unix-compatible software system” composed entirely of free software.
Work began in By the early s, many of the programs required in an operating system such as libraries, compilerstext editorsa command-line shelland a windowing system were completed, although low-level elements such as device driversdaemonsand the kernelподробнее на этой странице GNU Hurdwere stalled and incomplete. Tanenbauma computer science professor, and released in as a minimal Unix-like operating system targeted at configiration and others who wanted to learn operating system principles.
Although the complete source code of MINIX was freely available, the licensing terms prevented it from being free software until the licensing changed in April Linus Torvalds has stated on separate occasions that if the GNU kernel or BSD had been available at the timehe probably would not have created Linux.
While attending the University of SuccessfuloyTorvalds enrolled in a Unix course in the fall of It was with this course that Torvalds first became exposed to Unix. Inhe became curious about operating systems. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took place on Linux systems.
Linus Torvalds had wanted to call his confighration ” Freax standxrd, a portmanteau of “free”, “freak”, and “x” as an allusion to Unix.
During the start of his work on the system, some of the project’s makefiles included the name “Freax” for about half a year. Initially, Torvalds considered the name “Linux” but dismissed it as too egotistical. To facilitate development, the files were uploaded to the FTP server ftp. Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free Lemmke, Torvalds’ coworker at the Helsinki University of Technology HUT who was one of the volunteer administrators for the FTP server at the time, did not think that “Freax” was a good name, so he named the project “Linux” on the server without consulting Torvalds.
Adoption of Linux in production environments, rather than being used only by hobbyists, started to take off first in the mids in the supercomputing community, where organizations such as NASA started to cmoplete their increasingly expensive machines with clusters of inexpensive commodity computers running Linux.
Commercial use began when Dell and IBMfollowed by Hewlett-Packardstarted offering Linux support to escape Microsoft ‘s monopoly in the desktop operating system market.
Today, Linux systems are used throughout computing, from embedded systems to virtually all supercomputers[31] [61] and have secured a place in server installations such as the popular LAMP application stack.
Use of Linux distributions in home and enterprise desktops has been growing. Linux’s greatest success in the consumer market is perhaps the mobile device market, with Android being the dominant operating system on smartphones and very popular on tablets and, more recently, on wearables.
Linux gaming is also on the rise with Valve showing its support for Linux and rolling out SteamOSits own gaming-oriented Linux distribution. Linux distributions have also gained popularity with various local and national governments, such as the federal government of Brazil. Greg Kroah-Hartman is the lead maintainer for the Linux kernel and guides its development.
These third-party components comprise a vast body of work and may include both kernel modules and user applications and libraries. Linux vendors and communities combine microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free distribute the kernel, GNU components, and non-GNU components, with additional package management software in the form of Linux distributions.
Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free open microosoft developers agree that the Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free kernel was not designed but rather evolved through natural selection. Torvalds considers that although the design of Unix served as a scaffolding, “Linux grew with a lot of mutations — and because the mutations were less than random, they were faster and more directed than alpha-particles in DNA.
Raymond considers Linux’s revolutionary aspects to be social, not technical: before Linux, complex software was designed carefully by small groups, but “Linux evolved in a completely different way. From nearly the beginning, it was rather casually hacked on by huge numbers of volunteers coordinating only through the Internet.
Quality was maintained not by rigid standards or autocracy but by the sucessfully simple strategy of releasing every week and getting больше на странице from hundreds of users within days, creating a sort of rapid Darwinian selection on the mutations introduced by developers.
Such a system uses a monolithic kernelthe Linux kernelwhich handles process control, networking, access to the peripheralsand file systems. Device drivers are either integrated directly with the kernel, or added as modules that are loaded while the system is running. The GNU userland is a key part of most systems based on the Linux kernel, with Android being the notable exception. The Project’s implementation of the C library works as a wrapper ont the system calls of the Linux kernel necessary to the kernel-userspace interface, the toolchain is a broad collection of programming tools vital to Linux development including the compilers used to build the Linux kernel itselfand the coreutils implement many basic 200 tools.
The project also develops Basha popular CLI shell. Many other open-source software projects contribute to Linux systems. Installed components of a Linux succezsfully include the following: [78] [80]. The user interfacealso known as the shellis either a command-line interface CLIa graphical user interface GUIor controls attached to the associated hardware, which is microosoft for embedded systems.
For desktop systems, the default user interface is usually graphical, although the CLI is commonly available through terminal emulator windows or microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free a separate virtual console.
CLI shells are text-based user interfaces, which use text for both input and output. Most low-level Linux components, including various parts of the userlanduse the CLI exclusively. The CLI is particularly suited for automation of repetitive or delayed tasks and provides very simple inter-process communication.
Most popular microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free interfaces are based on the X Window Systemoften simply called “X”. Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free provides network transparency and permits a graphical application running on one system to be displayed on another where a user may interact with the application; however, certain extensions of the X Window System are not capable of working over the network.
Org Serverbeing the most popular. Server distributions might provide a command-line interface for developers and administrators, but provide a custom interface towards end-users, designed for the use-case of the system. This custom interface is accessed through a client that resides on another system, not necessarily Linux ffree. Several types of window managers exist for X11, including tilingdynamicstacking and compositing.
Window successfullj provide means to control the placement and appearance of individual application windows, and interact with the X Window System. Simpler X window managers such as dwmratpoisoni3wmor herbstluftwm provide a minimalist functionality, while more elaborate window managers such as FVWMEnlightenment or Window Maker provide more features such as a http://replace.me/24196.txt taskbar and themesbut are still lightweight when compared to desktop environments.
Wayland is a display server protocol intended as a replacement for the X11 protocol; as of [update]it has not received wider microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free. Unlike X11, Wayland does not need an external window manager and compositing manager.
Therefore, a Wayland compositor takes the role of the display server, window manager and compositing manager. Enlightenment has already been successfully ported since version Due to the complexity and autodesk lt system requirements free download of different devices, and due to the large number of formats and standards handled by those APIs, this infrastructure needs to evolve to better fit microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free devices.
Also, a good userspace device library is the key of the success for having userspace applications to be able to work with all formats supported by those devices. The primary difference between Coomplete and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux kernel and other components are free and open-source software.
Linux is not the only such operating system, although it is by far the most widely used. Linux-based distributions are intended by developers for interoperability with other operating systems and established computing standards.
Free software projects, although developed through collaborationare often produced independently of each other. Http://replace.me/17295.txt fact that the software licenses explicitly permit redistribution, however, provides a basis for larger-scale projects that collect the software produced 12 pro 94fbr free download stand-alone projects and make it available all at once in the form of a Linux distribution.
Many Linux distributions manage a remote collection of system software and application software packages available for download and installation through a network connection. This allows users to adapt the operating system to their specific needs. Distributions are maintained by individuals, loose-knit teams, volunteer organizations, and commercial entities. A distribution is responsible for the default configuration of the installed Linux kernel, general system security, and more generally integration of the different software packages into a coherent whole.
Distributions typically use a package manager such as aptyumzypperpacman or portage to install, remove, and update all of a system’s software from one central location. A distribution is largely driven by перейти на источник developer and nit communities. Some vendors develop and fund their distributions on a volunteer basis, Debian being a well-known example.
In many cities and regions, local associations known as Linux User Groups LUGs seek to жмите their preferred distribution and by extension free software. They hold meetings and provide free demonstrations, training, technical support, and operating system installation to new users.
Many Internet communities also provide support to Linux users and developers. Online forums are another means for support, with notable examples being LinuxQuestions. Linux distributions host mailing lists ; commonly there will be a specific topic such as usage or development for a given list. There are several technology websites with a Linux focus.
Print magazines on Linux often bundle cover disks that carry software or нажмите для продолжения complete Linux distributions. Although Linux distributions are generally available without charge, several http://replace.me/23656.txt corporations sell, support, and contribute to the development of the components of the system and of free software.
The free software licenseson which the various software packages of a distribution built on the Linux kernel are based, explicitly accommodate and encourage commercialization; the relationship between a Linux distribution as a whole and individual vendors may be seen as symbiotic. One common business model of commercial suppliers is charging for support, especially for business users.
A number of companies microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free offer a specialized business version нажмите для деталей their distribution, which adds proprietary support packages and tools to administer higher numbers of installations or to simplify administrative tasks.
Ssuccessfully business model is to give away the software to sell hardware. As computer hardware standardized throughout the s, it became more difficult for hardware manufacturers to profit from this tactic, as the OS would run on any manufacturer’s computer that shared the same architecture.
Most programming languages support Linux either directly or through third-party community based ports. First released inthe LLVM project provides stwndard alternative cross-platform open-source compiler for many languages. Ссылка на продолжение common feature of Unix-like systems, Linux includes traditional specific-purpose programming languages targeted at scriptingtext processing and system configuration and management in general.
Linux distributions support shell scriptsawksed and make.
Sep 09, · Using a large dataset of workers’ technology use from before and after the COVID pandemic, Yang et al. find that firm-wide remote work caused the collaboration networks of information workers. Linux (/ ˈ l iː n ʊ k s / LEE-nuuks or / ˈ l ɪ n ʊ k s / LIN-uuks) is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, , by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.. Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of . Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and replace.med is developed by a consortium of developers known as the Open Handset Alliance and commercially sponsored by replace.me was unveiled in November , with the . Dec 04, · Summary: Guest blogger and Windows PowerShell Guru Klaus Schulte talks about using Oracle replace.me and Windows PowerShell to simplify data access to Oracle databases. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. It is early in the morning in Frankfurt, Germany, and the Scripting Wife and I just returned from Prague where we had a wonderful .
The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers.Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free
Kinect is a line of motion sensing input devices produced by Microsoft and first released in The devices generally contain RGB cameras, and infrared projectors and detectors that map depth through either structured light or time of flight calculations, which can in turn be used to perform real-time gesture recognition and body skeletal detection, among other capabilities. Download the latest from Windows, Windows Apps, Office, Xbox, Skype, Windows 10, Lumia phone, Edge & Internet Explorer, Dev Tools & more. Feb 22, · Microsoft Office Outlook (bit) Microsoft Exchange Server ; Microsoft Exchange Server ; Microsoft Exchange Server ; Important: The bit version of this tool is only for use with the bit version of Microsoft Outlook The download is a ZIP file – just unzip it in an empty directory, open a command window in that. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our + Global Conferenceseries Events with over + Conferences, + Symposiums and + Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.. Explore and learn more about Conference Series LLC LTD: World’s leading Event Organizer.
This log file shows more mailbox-specific detail. To use Server Mode, you must use a messaging profile associated with an account that has permissions to all of the mailboxes on the specified Exchange server. Once you have chosen your profile – the tool will run – and you will see similar output as long as everything is successful:.
Looking at this window shows you that there is a CalCheck. Opening that will show some info like the following:. You may want to add a Subject to this item. Please check this item.
For problem items that are found – the report gives you information you can use to go and find the problem items so you can remove it, recreate it, or if possible – fix it, etc. Print this message. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool:. You can sort and filter items based on things like start time, subject, recurring items, etc.
If you find a problem item in the CSV, you can open the Calendar and put it into Category view to get a similar view of the Calendar in Outlook. This will give a view of the Calendar like the following:. This view shows all the items in the Calendar as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder. You can sort on things here like Subject, Location, Start, and End. This can be used to find the problem item in the Calendar folder when it is difficult or impossible to find in the normal Calendar view.
Items can easily be moved back to the Calendar, or can be deleted from here if not needed, or corrected if possible and then placed back in the Calendar. The general rule of thumb would be to recreate the item and delete the item that was moved out to the CalCheck folder. This is useful when running the tool in Server mode – as each user will get their report in their Inbox:. Part of this check uses the legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox.
If the legacyExchangeDN has changed for any reason – like a migration – then this test will give errors for items that may not really be in error. The error that is logged by CalCheck will show both DNs. Here is an example:. The mailbox here is the same actual mailbox – but because the legacyExchangeDN changed – it is marked as an error. This can slow the process down a bit due to the extra processing and memory usage. Please leave feedback! Thanks – and I hope this will help save time in diagnosing and resolving calendar issues for you!
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Retrieved November 11, Xbox The Official Xbox Magazine. Future Publishing. Retrieved October 11, And you know, I think they said they were going to ship Natal with every Xbox when they actually launch the thing, so everybody will have one. Analysts Weigh In”.
Archived from the original on December 24, Retrieved September 2, UGO Entertainment. Retrieved June 19, Think Services. Retrieved June 20, Edge Online. Future plc. June 18, Archived from the original on January 5, Retrieved June 22, Since the NES, every five years or so a distinct new wave of technology has washed across the industry, bringing with it new power and functions to a market galvanised by the promise of faster, better, more.
Retrieved September 26, New Scientist. Archived from the original on January 14, USA Today. Retrieved June 15, The Guardian. June 14, Retrieved September 8, Retrieved October 10, Retrieved November 4, The Escapist. Retrieved January 25, September 17, Archived from the original on December 10, Retrieved September 17, September 14, Archived from the original on September 19, Vox Media.
Retrieved June 10, May 27, The Verge. PC Magazine. Ziff Davis. Retrieved May 23, Univision Communications. Retrieved August 23, Retrieved September 5, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. PMC PMID PC World. Retrieved December 4, Pervasive Computing. S2CID Archived from the original on July 30, November 10, November 11, Retrieved November 15, January 16, Retrieved February 23, Ars Technica. November 20, Retrieved November 29, Retrieved December 11, Business Wire.
January 3, Retrieved January 3, Archived from the original on February 27, Retrieved February 26, Fast Company. October 31, Venture Beat. Retrieved November 16, Retrieved October 7, Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Bibcode : arXivS. Archived from the original on January 11, Retrieved February 24, Archived from the original on June 20, Retrieved March 31, Archived from the original on March 6, Retrieved March 16, November 17, Archived from the original on March 17, Kotaku , Gawker Media.
Retrieved November 25, Archived from the original on January 21, Retrieved June 2, Retrieved June 5, Retrieved July 2, This information is based on specifications supplied by manufacturers and should be used for guidance only. June 19, Retrieved March 21, Microsoft Store.
Archived from the original on June 18, Retrieved July 7, In The Wild”. Retrieved May 27, Retrieved June 14, Retrieved October 19, March 8, March 26, Retrieved May 22, Channel 9. Retrieved November 13, Retrieved May 9, Each piece is handmade and unique, and cannot be exactly replicated.
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In , he became curious about operating systems. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took place on Linux systems. Linus Torvalds had wanted to call his invention ” Freax “, a portmanteau of “free”, “freak”, and “x” as an allusion to Unix. During the start of his work on the system, some of the project’s makefiles included the name “Freax” for about half a year. Initially, Torvalds considered the name “Linux” but dismissed it as too egotistical.
To facilitate development, the files were uploaded to the FTP server ftp. Ari Lemmke, Torvalds’ coworker at the Helsinki University of Technology HUT who was one of the volunteer administrators for the FTP server at the time, did not think that “Freax” was a good name, so he named the project “Linux” on the server without consulting Torvalds. Adoption of Linux in production environments, rather than being used only by hobbyists, started to take off first in the mids in the supercomputing community, where organizations such as NASA started to replace their increasingly expensive machines with clusters of inexpensive commodity computers running Linux.
Commercial use began when Dell and IBM , followed by Hewlett-Packard , started offering Linux support to escape Microsoft ‘s monopoly in the desktop operating system market. Today, Linux systems are used throughout computing, from embedded systems to virtually all supercomputers , [31] [61] and have secured a place in server installations such as the popular LAMP application stack. Use of Linux distributions in home and enterprise desktops has been growing. Linux’s greatest success in the consumer market is perhaps the mobile device market, with Android being the dominant operating system on smartphones and very popular on tablets and, more recently, on wearables.
Linux gaming is also on the rise with Valve showing its support for Linux and rolling out SteamOS , its own gaming-oriented Linux distribution. Linux distributions have also gained popularity with various local and national governments, such as the federal government of Brazil.
Greg Kroah-Hartman is the lead maintainer for the Linux kernel and guides its development. These third-party components comprise a vast body of work and may include both kernel modules and user applications and libraries. Linux vendors and communities combine and distribute the kernel, GNU components, and non-GNU components, with additional package management software in the form of Linux distributions.
Many open source developers agree that the Linux kernel was not designed but rather evolved through natural selection. Torvalds considers that although the design of Unix served as a scaffolding, “Linux grew with a lot of mutations — and because the mutations were less than random, they were faster and more directed than alpha-particles in DNA.
Raymond considers Linux’s revolutionary aspects to be social, not technical: before Linux, complex software was designed carefully by small groups, but “Linux evolved in a completely different way. From nearly the beginning, it was rather casually hacked on by huge numbers of volunteers coordinating only through the Internet. Quality was maintained not by rigid standards or autocracy but by the naively simple strategy of releasing every week and getting feedback from hundreds of users within days, creating a sort of rapid Darwinian selection on the mutations introduced by developers.
Such a system uses a monolithic kernel , the Linux kernel , which handles process control, networking, access to the peripherals , and file systems. Device drivers are either integrated directly with the kernel, or added as modules that are loaded while the system is running. The GNU userland is a key part of most systems based on the Linux kernel, with Android being the notable exception. The Project’s implementation of the C library works as a wrapper for the system calls of the Linux kernel necessary to the kernel-userspace interface, the toolchain is a broad collection of programming tools vital to Linux development including the compilers used to build the Linux kernel itself , and the coreutils implement many basic Unix tools.
The project also develops Bash , a popular CLI shell. Many other open-source software projects contribute to Linux systems. Installed components of a Linux system include the following: [78] [80]. The user interface , also known as the shell , is either a command-line interface CLI , a graphical user interface GUI , or controls attached to the associated hardware, which is common for embedded systems. For desktop systems, the default user interface is usually graphical, although the CLI is commonly available through terminal emulator windows or on a separate virtual console.
CLI shells are text-based user interfaces, which use text for both input and output. Most low-level Linux components, including various parts of the userland , use the CLI exclusively. The CLI is particularly suited for automation of repetitive or delayed tasks and provides very simple inter-process communication. Most popular user interfaces are based on the X Window System , often simply called “X”.
It provides network transparency and permits a graphical application running on one system to be displayed on another where a user may interact with the application; however, certain extensions of the X Window System are not capable of working over the network.
Org Server , being the most popular. Server distributions might provide a command-line interface for developers and administrators, but provide a custom interface towards end-users, designed for the use-case of the system. This custom interface is accessed through a client that resides on another system, not necessarily Linux based. Several types of window managers exist for X11, including tiling , dynamic , stacking and compositing. Window managers provide means to control the placement and appearance of individual application windows, and interact with the X Window System.
Simpler X window managers such as dwm , ratpoison , i3wm , or herbstluftwm provide a minimalist functionality, while more elaborate window managers such as FVWM , Enlightenment or Window Maker provide more features such as a built-in taskbar and themes , but are still lightweight when compared to desktop environments.
Wayland is a display server protocol intended as a replacement for the X11 protocol; as of [update] , it has not received wider adoption. Unlike X11, Wayland does not need an external window manager and compositing manager.
Therefore, a Wayland compositor takes the role of the display server, window manager and compositing manager. Enlightenment has already been successfully ported since version Due to the complexity and diversity of different devices, and due to the large number of formats and standards handled by those APIs, this infrastructure needs to evolve to better fit other devices.
Also, a good userspace device library is the key of the success for having userspace applications to be able to work with all formats supported by those devices.
The primary difference between Linux and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux kernel and other components are free and open-source software. Linux is not the only such operating system, although it is by far the most widely used. Linux-based distributions are intended by developers for interoperability with other operating systems and established computing standards. Free software projects, although developed through collaboration , are often produced independently of each other.
The fact that the software licenses explicitly permit redistribution, however, provides a basis for larger-scale projects that collect the software produced by stand-alone projects and make it available all at once in the form of a Linux distribution. Many Linux distributions manage a remote collection of system software and application software packages available for download and installation through a network connection. This allows users to adapt the operating system to their specific needs.
Distributions are maintained by individuals, loose-knit teams, volunteer organizations, and commercial entities.
A distribution is responsible for the default configuration of the installed Linux kernel, general system security, and more generally integration of the different software packages into a coherent whole. Distributions typically use a package manager such as apt , yum , zypper , pacman or portage to install, remove, and update all of a system’s software from one central location.
A distribution is largely driven by its developer and user communities. Some vendors develop and fund their distributions on a volunteer basis, Debian being a well-known example.
In many cities and regions, local associations known as Linux User Groups LUGs seek to promote their preferred distribution and by extension free software. They hold meetings and provide free demonstrations, training, technical support, and operating system installation to new users.
Many Internet communities also provide support to Linux users and developers. Online forums are another means for support, with notable examples being LinuxQuestions. Linux distributions host mailing lists ; commonly there will be a specific topic such as usage or development for a given list.
There are several technology websites with a Linux focus. Print magazines on Linux often bundle cover disks that carry software or even complete Linux distributions. Although Linux distributions are generally available without charge, several large corporations sell, support, and contribute to the development of the components of the system and of free software.
The free software licenses , on which the various software packages of a distribution built on the Linux kernel are based, explicitly accommodate and encourage commercialization; the relationship between a Linux distribution as a whole and individual vendors may be seen as symbiotic.
One common business model of commercial suppliers is charging for support, especially for business users. A number of companies also offer a specialized business version of their distribution, which adds proprietary support packages and tools to administer higher numbers of installations or to simplify administrative tasks.
Another business model is to give away the software to sell hardware. As computer hardware standardized throughout the s, it became more difficult for hardware manufacturers to profit from this tactic, as the OS would run on any manufacturer’s computer that shared the same architecture. Most programming languages support Linux either directly or through third-party community based ports. First released in , the LLVM project provides an alternative cross-platform open-source compiler for many languages.
A common feature of Unix-like systems, Linux includes traditional specific-purpose programming languages targeted at scripting , text processing and system configuration and management in general. Linux distributions support shell scripts , awk , sed and make.
Many programs also have an embedded programming language to support configuring or programming themselves. For example, regular expressions are supported in programs like grep and locate , the traditional Unix MTA Sendmail contains its own Turing complete scripting system, and the advanced text editor GNU Emacs is built around a general purpose Lisp interpreter.
Guile Scheme acts as an extension language targeting the GNU system utilities, seeking to make the conventionally small, static , compiled C programs of Unix design rapidly and dynamically extensible via an elegant, functional high-level scripting system; many GNU programs can be compiled with optional Guile bindings to this end.
These projects are based on the GTK and Qt widget toolkits , respectively, which can also be used independently of the larger framework. Both support a wide variety of languages. The Linux kernel is a widely ported operating system kernel, available for devices ranging from mobile phones to supercomputers; it runs on a highly diverse range of computer architectures , including the hand-held ARM -based iPAQ and the IBM mainframes System z9 or System z The kernel also runs on architectures that were only ever intended to use a manufacturer-created operating system, such as Macintosh computers [] [] with both PowerPC and Intel processors , PDAs , video game consoles , portable music players , and mobile phones.
There are several industry associations and hardware conferences devoted to maintaining and improving support for diverse hardware under Linux, such as FreedomHEC. Over time, support for different hardware has improved in Linux, resulting in any off-the-shelf purchase having a “good chance” of being compatible.
In , a new initiative was launched to automatically collect a database of all tested hardware configurations. The GPL requires that anyone who distributes software based on source code under this license must make the originating source code and any modifications available to the recipient under the same terms.
Torvalds states that the Linux kernel will not move from version 2 of the GPL to version 3. A study of Red Hat Linux 7. Slightly over half of all lines of code were licensed under the GPL.
The Linux kernel itself was 2. In a later study, the same analysis was performed for Debian version 4. Della Croce, Jr. In , Torvalds and some affected organizations sued him to have the trademark assigned to Torvalds, and, in , the case was settled. Torvalds has stated that he trademarked the name only to prevent someone else from using it. LMI originally charged a nominal sublicensing fee for use of the Linux name as part of trademarks, [] but later changed this in favor of offering a free, perpetual worldwide sublicense.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 9 August This article is about the family of operating systems. For the kernel, see Linux kernel. For other uses, see Linux disambiguation. Family of Unix-like operating systems. Tux the penguin, mascot of Linux [1]. Main article: History of Linux. Main article: Linux adoption.
Main article: Video4Linux. Main articles: Linux distribution and Free software. See also: Free software community and Linux User Group. See also: List of Linux-supported computer architectures. Main article: Linux range of use.
See also: Usage share of operating systems. Free and open-source software portal Linux portal. GNU Core utilities are an essential part of most distributions. Most Linux distributions use the X Window system. Archived from the original on August 15, Retrieved August 11, Archived from the original on March 8, Archived from the original on October 5, Archived from the original on February 21, Archived from the original on January 20, Archived from the original on May 15, September 2, Archived from the original on September 5, Retrieved September 4, Reg No: “.
United States Patent and Trademark Office. Archived from the original on June 24, Retrieved April 1, Newsgroup : comp. April 23, Usenet: Apr Retrieved January 9, Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage Learning. ISBN Archived from the original on May 9, Retrieved April 14, The shared commonality of the kernel is what defines a system’s membership in the Linux family; the differing OSS applications that can interact with the common kernel are what differentiate Linux distributions.
April 13, Archived from the original on September 19, Retrieved September 19, Retrieved September 30, Retrieved December 21, Archived from the original on September 7, Retrieved September 1, Archived from the original on March 19, Use Linux, BSD”.
Archived from the original on April 2, Retrieved December 30, Archived from the original on December 31, Retrieved February 1, Archived from the original on December 30, Retrieved May 12, Simpler Media Group, Inc.
Archived from the original on May 18, Retrieved May 10, Originally developed for Intel xbased PCs, Torvalds’ “hobby” has now been released for more hardware platforms than any other OS in history. StatCounter Global Stats. Linux Foundation. Archived from the original on April 17, Retrieved April 16, Archived from the original on May 25, Retrieved January 12, Archived from the original on September 29, Retrieved September 29, Archived from the original on August 6, ZDNet published November 14, Archived from the original on November 14, Retrieved October 25, Computerworld published December 9, Archived from the original on November 11, Retrieved February 22, Archived from the original on February 24, Archived from the original on June 18, Retrieved June 18, Retrieved May 15, Sony Electronics.
Archived from the original on October 4, Retrieved October 8, Sharp Electronics. Archived from the original PDF on January 11, Vaughan-Nichols January 4, December 23, Retrieved June 30, IT PRO. April 30, Linux kernel documentation.
Archived from the original on September 24, Retrieved September 24, Acquisitions and Open Source Software Development. Springer Nature. Retrieved August 5, MIT Press. Raymond October The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Retrieved July 21, In , a group of Unix hackers from Stanford and Berkeley founded Sun Microsystems on the belief that Unix running on relatively inexpensive based hardware would prove a winning combination for a wide variety of applications.
They were right, and their vision set the pattern for an entire industry. Los Angeles Times. June 23, Archived from the original on March 5, Retrieved March 9, Archived from the original on August 17, Retrieved August 17, April 9, Archived from the original on March 4, Tanenbaum debate”.
Archived from the original on October 3, Retrieved February 19, Meta magazine. Archived from the original on February 25, It was also repackaged as “Kinect for Windows v2”. It is nearly identical besides the removal of Xbox branding, and included a USB 3. It released alongside version 2.
In April having difficulty in keeping up manufacturing demand for the Kinect for Xbox One this edition was discontinued. On May 7, , Microsoft announced a new iteration of Kinect technology designed primarily for enterprise software and artificial intelligence usage.
It is designed around the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, and is meant to “leverage the richness of Azure AI to dramatically improve insights and operations”. A development kit was announced in February Requiring at least MB of available storage space, [] Kinect system software allows users to operate Xbox Dashboard console user interface through voice commands and hand gestures.
Techniques such as voice recognition and facial recognition are employed to automatically identify users. Among the applications for Kinect is Video Kinect, which enables voice chat or video chat with other Xbox users or users of Windows Live Messenger. The application can use Kinect’s tracking functionality and Kinect sensor’s motorized pivot to keep users in frame even as they move around. The Xbox One originally shipped in bundles with the Kinect; the original Xbox One user interface software had similar support for Kinect features as the Xbox software, such as voice commands, user identification via skeletal or vocal recognition, and gesture-driven commands, though these features could be fully disabled due to privacy concerns.
In May , when Microsoft announced it would be releasing Xbox One systems without a Kinect, the company also announced plans to alter the Xbox One system software to remove Kinect features. Xbox games that require Kinect are packaged in special purple cases as opposed to the green cases used by all other Xbox games , and contain a prominent “Requires Kinect Sensor” logo on their front cover. Games that include features utilizing Kinect, but do not require it for standard gameplay, have “Better with Kinect Sensor” branding on their front covers.
Kinect launched on November 4, , with 17 titles. Along with retail games, there are also select Xbox Live Arcade titles which require the peripheral. At E3 , Microsoft announced Kinect Fun Labs : a collection of various gadgets and minigames that are accessible from Xbox Dashboard. Numerous developers are researching possible applications of Kinect that go beyond the system’s intended purpose of playing games, further enabled by the release of the Kinect SDK by Microsoft.
Alexandre Alahi from EPFL presented a video surveillance system that combines multiple Kinect devices to track groups of people even in complete darkness. In human motion tracking, Kinect might suffer from occlusion which is when some human body joints are occluded and cannot be tracked accurately by Kinect’s skeletal model.
For instance, in a study, an Unscented Kalman filter UKF was used to fuse Kinect 3D position data of shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints to those obtained from two inertial measurement units IMUs placed on the upper and lower arm of a person.
Kinect also shows compelling potential for use in medicine. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have used Kinect to measure a range of disorder symptoms in children, creating new ways of objective evaluation to detect such conditions as autism, attention-deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. NASA ‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL signed up for the Kinect for Windows Developer program in November to use the new Kinect to manipulate a robotic arm in combination with an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, creating “the most immersive interface” the unit had built to date.
Upon its release, the Kinect garnered generally positive opinions from reviewers and critics. IGN gave the device 7. CNET ‘s review pointed out how Kinect keeps players active with its full-body motion sensing but criticized the learning curve, the additional power supply needed for older Xbox consoles and the space requirements.
The review praised the system’s powerful technology and the potential of its yoga and dance games. The mainstream press also reviewed Kinect. USA Today compared it to the futuristic control scheme seen in Minority Report , stating that “playing games feels great” and giving the device 3.
Although featuring improved performance over the original Kinect, its successor has been subject to mixed responses. In its Xbox One review, Engadget praised Xbox One’s Kinect functionality, such as face recognition login and improved motion tracking, but said that while the device was “magical”, “every false positive or unrecognized [voice] command had us reaching for the controller.
However, its accuracy was found to be affected by background noise, and Peckham further noted that launching games using voice recognition required that the full title of the game be given rather than an abbreviated name that the console “ought to semantically understand”, such as Forza Motorsport 5 rather than “Forza 5”.
Prior to Xbox One’s launch, privacy concerns were raised over the new Kinect; critics showed concerns the device could be used for surveillance , stemming from the originally announced requirements that Xbox One’s Kinect be plugged in at all times, plus the initial always-on DRM system that required the console to be connected to the internet to ensure continued functionality. Privacy advocates contended that the increased amount of data which could be collected with the new Kinect such as a person’s eye movements, heart rate, and mood could be used for targeted advertising.
Reports also surfaced regarding recent Microsoft patents involving Kinect, such as a DRM system based on detecting the number of viewers in a room, and tracking viewing habits by awarding achievements for watching television programs and advertising.
While Microsoft stated that its privacy policy “prohibit[s] the collection, storage, or use of Kinect data for the purpose of advertising”, critics did not rule out the possibility that these policies could be changed prior to the release of the console. Concerns were also raised that the device could also record conversations, as its microphone remains active at all times.
In response to the criticism, a Microsoft spokesperson stated that users are “in control of when Kinect sensing is On, Off or Paused”, will be provided with key privacy information and settings during the console’s initial setup, and that user-generated content such as photos and videos “will not leave your Xbox One without your explicit permission.
While announcing Kinect’s discontinuation in an interview with Fast Co. Design on October 25, , Microsoft stated that 35 million units had been sold since its release. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Motion-sensing input device for the Xbox and Xbox One.
For other skeletal tracking systems, see Gesture recognition and Motion capture. WW : February 1, [6]. WW : November 22, [ citation needed ]. WW : April 2, [7]. WW : April 20, [8]. WW : October 25, [9]. An example infrared image taken by the Kinect infrared left , and the same image revisualized into a depth map using color gradients from white near to blue far.
Main article: Azure Kinect. August 17, Retrieved August 17, It will hit the shelves on 10 November, five days after the US. Caracol TV. November 14, Archived from the original on July 27, Retrieved November 14, September 1, Archived from the original on September 3, Retrieved September 3, The Economic Times.
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So several for your head, shoulders, elbows, hands, feet Intent Media. Retrieved November 11, Xbox The Official Xbox Magazine. Future Publishing. Retrieved October 11, And you know, I think they said they were going to ship Natal with every Xbox when they actually launch the thing, so everybody will have one.
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Retrieved September 26, New Scientist. Archived from the original on January 14, USA Today. Retrieved June 15, The Guardian. June 14, Retrieved September 8, Retrieved October 10, Retrieved November 4, The Escapist. Retrieved January 25, September 17, Archived from the original on December 10, Retrieved September 17, September 14, Archived from the original on September 19, Vox Media.
Retrieved June 10, May 27, The Verge. PC Magazine. Ziff Davis. Retrieved May 23, Univision Communications. Retrieved August 23, Retrieved September 5, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. PMC PMID PC World. Retrieved December 4, Pervasive Computing. S2CID Archived from the original on July 30, November 10, November 11, Retrieved November 15, January 16, Retrieved February 23, Ars Technica.
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Retrieved November 25, Archived from the original on January 21, Retrieved June 2, Retrieved June 5, Retrieved July 2, This information is based on specifications supplied by manufacturers and should be used for guidance only. June 19, Retrieved March 21, Microsoft Store. Archived from the original on June 18, Retrieved July 7, In The Wild”. Retrieved May 27, Retrieved June 14, Retrieved October 19, March 8, March 26, Retrieved May 22, Channel 9.
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Over the past year or so I have been working on this tool – adding functionality and checks based off my experience as an Outlook engineer, and from suggestions given by other engineers. Important: The bit version of this tool is only for use with the bit version of Microsoft Outlook The download is a ZIP file – just unzip it in an empty directory, open a command window in that directory, and run it. The tool opens an Outlook profile to access the Outlook Calendar.
Then each item in the calendar folder is checked for known problems that can cause unexpected behavior, such as meetings that appear to страница missing.
As CalCheck goes through this process, it generates a report that can be used to help diagnose problem items or identify trends. The following Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free checks are performed and logged in the report:. The following item-level checks are performed and logged in the report:.
You also have the option to run CalCheck in Server Mode. In Server Mode, CalCheck attempts to open all mailboxes on the Exchange server and perform the checks listed перейти the “Checks Performed” section of this article.
Server Mode generates a CalCheckSvr. This log file shows more mailbox-specific detail. To use Server Mode, you must use a messaging profile associated with an account that has permissions to all of the mailboxes on the specified Exchange server. Once you have chosen your profile – the tool will run – and you will see similar output as long as everything is successful:. Looking at this window shows you that there is a CalCheck.
Opening that will show some info like the following:. You may want to add a Subject to this item. Please check this item. For problem items that are found – the report gives you information you can use to go and find the problem items so you can remove it, recreate it, or if possible – fix it, etc. Print this message. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool:. You can sort and filter items based on things like start time, subject, recurring items, etc.
If you ссылка на страницу a problem item in the CSV, you can open the Calendar and put it into Category view to get a similar view of the Узнать больше здесь in Outlook. This will give a view of the Calendar like the following:. This view shows all the items in the Calendar as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder.
You can sort on things here like Subject, Location, Start, and End. This can be used to find the problem item in the Calendar folder when it is difficult or impossible to find in the normal Calendar view. Items can easily be moved back to the Calendar, or can be deleted from here if not needed, or corrected if possible and then placed back in the Calendar.
The general rule of thumb would be to recreate the item and delete the item that was moved out to the CalCheck folder. This is useful when running the tool in Server mode – as each user will get their report in their Inbox:. Part of this check uses the legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox. If the legacyExchangeDN has changed for any microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free – like a migration – then this test will give errors for items that may not really be in error.
The error that is logged by CalCheck will show both DNs. Here is an example:. The mailbox here is the same actual mailbox – but because the legacyExchangeDN changed – it is marked as an error. This can slow the process down a bit due to the extra processing and microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free usage. Please leave feedback! Thanks – and I hope this will help save time in diagnosing and resolving calendar issues for you!
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Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free. Sign In. The Exchange Team. Once you have chosen your profile – the tool will run – and you will see similar output as long as everything is successful: Looking at this window shows you that there is a CalCheck. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool: You can view all items in the Calendar by opening the CSV microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free Excel.
This will give a view of the Calendar like the following: This view shows all the items in the Vmware fusion 8.5.10 catalina free as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder. What CalCheck does not do CalCheck is a reporting tool only. CalCheck only works against Calendars located on an Exchange server. Feedback Please leave feedback! Tags: troubleshooting. Resize Editor.
Version history. Last update:. Updated by:. Education Microsoft in education Office for students Office for schools Deals for students and parents Microsoft Azure in education.
RowSize : 0. Notification :. Container :. The CommandType is Text by default meaning that you will be able to directly supply a select command. CommandText will be the property where the text of the select command will be stored:. There is just one piece missing: How do you execute the command? You need a reader object to read the result set returned from the database. We received an impressing sign of life from our database! I love to enclose the whole query string in a so-called Windows Powershell here-string , which lets me keep the original formatting of the SQL Server statement even if it spans several rows!
Just exchanging the previous select statement with the new statement results in the following:. What happened here? As our database has a well-elaborated type system, it refuses to convert the intCount value 1 implicitly to a string that is the type of data required to execute the statement:. It says: GetString , not GetInteger , or something else more appropriate! By using Windows Powershell 3. This is a great help if you are exploring non-Microsoft objects, and it accelerates typing and helps avoid typos, too.
It worked! If you prefer to scroll down, you may find some more Oracle-specific GetOracle -functions in the box:. It worked somehow, but we get more information than expected and needed. The expected result is represented by the value property. True True OracleDecimal System. TypeName: Oracle. Name MemberType Definition.
Object obj , int IComparable. CompareTo System. Object obj. Equals Method bool Equals System. GetSchema Method System. XmlSchema IXmlSerializable.
GetType Method type GetType. ReadXml System. XmlReader reader. ToByte Method byte ToByte. ToDouble Method double ToDouble. ToInt16 Method int16 ToInt ToInt32 Method int ToInt ToInt64 Method long ToInt ToSingle Method float ToSingle. ToString Method string ToString. WriteXml System. XmlWriter writer. Well, it is obvious that we could use the To… functions to convert the resulting decimal value to some other sub datatypes.
Well, there is one reason in the world of databases that is incompatible to the type system of most other programming or script languages and always requires special treatment: Null values! In most traditional programming languages special functions have been introduced to test for nullable values. That said, our new query does work for us, but hey, we only received one value where three values should be available: intCount , strCount , and datCount!
The solution is rather obvious so we can simply add two statements after the GetOracleDecimal call:.
We can query rather complex Oracle result sets now! What about receiving several rows as result of a query? Of course, we could add this in a one liner by using a constant string, which is not the way I would like to do that! IsKey :. DataType : System. IsLong : False. Along with a whole bunch of other valuable information about our data columns, we can access the ColumnName property:. If we can retrieve the column names, we may come up with a nice header line after some formatting:.
We would prefer to have objects here and let Windows Powershell do all the formatting for us. GetOracleDecimal 0. GetOracleString 1. Sure, We can use PowerShell to quickly retrieve a list of all the members in groups.
Here is the PowerShell to export all members of all Office groups:. He loves sharing his knowledge and experiences with the SharePoint community, through his real-world articles! Here you go! If you just run. Contrary to reports that she was tasked with a project to create an icon, [] Blok confirmed in an interview that she independently developed it and made it open source.
The robot design was initially not presented to Google, but it quickly became commonplace in the Android development team, with various variations of it created by the developers there who liked the figure, as it was free under a Creative Commons license.
Cite error: A list-defined reference named “First Release” is not used in the content see the help page. Cite error: A list-defined reference named “Programming Languages” is not used in the content see the help page. Cite error: A list-defined reference named “Languages” is not used in the content see the help page. Cite error: A list-defined reference named “License” is not used in the content see the help page. Cite error: A list-defined reference named “Bionic Userland” is not used in the content see the help page.
Cite error: A list-defined reference named “Korn Userland” is not used in the content see the help page. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mobile operating system. Android 12 home screen with Pixel Launcher. Apache License 2. See also: Android version history. Main article: List of features in Android. See also: Android software development and Google Play. See also: Android hardware requirements. Main article: Rooting Android. See also: Mobile security and Comparison of open-source mobile phones.
See also: Behavioral targeting and DeGoogle. Main article: Usage share of operating systems. Main article: Android version history. Further information: Smartphone patent wars and Patent troll. Main article: Oracle v. Main article: European Union vs. A giant Android mascot at Googleplex in Free and open-source software portal Computer programming portal.
Android Developers. Retrieved June 8, Retrieved November 22, Android Authority. June 12, And Does It Even Matter? March 28, Retrieved October 21, GMS is only available through a license with Google [..
App Developer Magazine. Retrieved July 29, Android Open Source Project. Retrieved January 4, The Verge. Retrieved March 24, Retrieved August 12, August 18, Archived from the original on March 13, Retrieved March 12, Bloomberg Businessweek.
Bloomberg L. Archived from the original on February 5, PC World. International Data Group. Archived from the original on May 10, Retrieved May 9, Vox Media. Archived from the original on April 29, Business Insider. Axel Springer SE. Archived from the original on May 20, Archived from the original on March 19, New York. ISBN OCLC Ars Technica. Archived from the original on August 13, Retrieved August 13, The New York Times. Archived from the original on July 6, Archived from the original on March 12, Retrieved March 11, August 2, The Wall Street Journal.
Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved July 24, The Record Bergen County. Retrieved February 21, And don’t hold your breath, but the same cell phone-obsessed tech watchers say it won’t be long before Google jumps headfirst into the phone biz.
Phone, anyone? Archived from the original on February 11, Archived from the original on March 25, Archived from the original on June 23, Android Police. Open Handset Alliance. November 5, Archived from the original on March 9, Archived from the original on June 22, Official Google Blog.
Archived from the original on March 17, Knowingly, Corp. July 3, The Indian Express. Indian Express Limited. Archived from the original on June 24, Archived from the original on December 26, Archived from the original on November 29, The Inquirer. Incisive Media. The Guardian. Archived from the original on January 14, Android Central.
Mobile Nations. Archived from the original on February 23, NDTV Gadgets The Next Web. BBC News. September 15, Archived from the original on November 1, Retrieved November 9, Archived from the original on November 3, Archived from the original on October 5, Retrieved March 13, Archived from the original on May 11, CBS Interactive.
Archived from the original on January 6, Archived from the original on October 11, Retrieved October 12, May 19, VOX Media. Retrieved July 20, Technology Intelligence.
The Telegraph. Archived from the original on January 10, Huawei, which is the world’s second largest seller of smartphones after Samsung, has long relied on Google’s Android operating system to run its smartphones and tablets. The ban means that new Huawei phones will no longer be able to access certain apps, such as Google Maps and YouTube, and existing phones will not be able to update their Android operating systems. Tech News. Retrieved August 10, Huawei is moving to trademark the name of its operating system, “Hongmeng,” in Peru.
Mobile tech. Where Consumers Come First Wccf. Chinese tech giant plans to launch its own operating system this year as access to U. The trademark’s been filed in Canada, the European Union, Mexico, and more.
Retrieved August 9, Retrieved August 22, August 22, Archived from the original on January 25, Archived from the original on February 16, Archived from the original on February 19, Archived from the original on March 31, Archived from the original on May 1, Univision Communications.
Archived from the original on January 8, For Dummies. Material Design. Archived from the original on March 22, Archived from the original on December 8, June 25, Android Advices. April 17, April 12, Retrieved April 3, December 10, Android Headlines. February 23, Archived from the original on April 3, Android Developers Blog. Retrieved August 14, Archived from the original on May 3, Retrieved May 8, Archived from the original on May 17, Retrieved May 22, Archived from the original on May 22, Retrieved September 12, Archived from the original on March 29, July 21, Archived from the original on June 13, Archived from the original on February 10, Retrieved April 25, Archived from the original on March 10, Archived from the original on March 28, Retrieved March 28, July 24, Archived from the original on January 2, Retrieved January 2, Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved June 4, It was first released on November 4, , and would go on to sell eight million units in its first 60 days of availability.
The majority of the games developed for Kinect were casual , family-oriented titles, which helped to attract new audiences to Xbox , but did not result in wide adoption by the console’s existing, overall userbase.
As part of the unveiling of Xbox ‘s successor, Xbox One , Microsoft unveiled a second-generation version of Kinect with improved tracking capabilities. Microsoft also announced that Kinect would be a required component of the console, and that it would not function unless the peripheral is connected. The requirement proved controversial among users and critics due to privacy concerns, prompting Microsoft to backtrack on the decision.
However, Microsoft would still bundle the new Kinect with Xbox One consoles upon their launch in November A market for Kinect-based games still did not emerge after the Xbox One’s launch; Microsoft would later offer Xbox One hardware bundles without Kinect included, and later revisions of the console removed the dedicated ports used to connect it requiring a powered USB adapter instead. Microsoft ended production of Kinect for Xbox One in October Kinect has also been used as part of non-gaming applications in academic and commercial environments, as it was cheaper and more robust compared to other depth-sensing technologies at the time.
While Microsoft initially objected to such applications, it later released software development kits SDKs for the development of Microsoft Windows applications that use Kinect. In , Microsoft released Azure Kinect as a continuation of the technology integrated with the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Part of the Kinect technology was also used within Microsoft’s Hololens project.
The origins of the Kinect started around , at a point where technology vendors were starting to develop depth-sensing cameras. Microsoft had been interested in a 3D camera for the Xbox line earlier but because the technology had not been refined, had placed it in the “Boneyard”, a collection of possible technology they could not immediately work on.
In , PrimeSense was founded by tech-savvy mathematicians and engineers from Israel to develop the “next big thing” for video games, incorporating cameras that were capable of mapping a human body in front of them and sensing hand motions. They showed off their system at the Game Developers Conference , where Microsoft’s Alex Kipman, the general manager of hardware incubation, saw the potential in PrimeSense’s technology for the Xbox system.
Microsoft began discussions with PrimeSense about what would need to be done to make their product more consumer-friendly: not only improvements in the capabilities of depth-sensing cameras, but a reduction in size and cost, and a means to manufacturer the units at scale was required. PrimeSense spent the next few years working at these improvements.
Nintendo released the Wii in November The Wii’s central feature was the Wii Remote , a handheld device that was detected by the Wii through a motion sensor bar mounted onto a television screen to enable motion controlled games. Microsoft felt pressure from the Wii, and began looking into depth-sensing in more detail with PrimeSense’s hardware, but could not get to the level of motion tracking they desired. While they could determine hand gestures, and sense the general shape of a body, they could not do skeletal tracking.
A separate path within Microsoft looked to create an equivalent of the Wii Remote, considering that this type of unit may become standardized similar to how two-thumbstick controllers became a standard feature. Kudo Tsunoda and Darren Bennett joined Microsoft in , and began working with Kipman on a new approach to depth-sensing aided by machine learning to improve skeletal tracking.
They internally demonstrated this and established where they believed the technology could be in a few years, which led to the strong interest to fund further development of the technology; this has also occurred at a time that Microsoft executives wanted to abandon the Wii-like motion tracking approach, and favored the depth-sensing solution to present a product that went beyond the Wii’s capabilities. The project was greenlit by late with work started in Additionally, Kipman recognized the Latin origins of the word “natal” to mean “to be born”, reflecting the new types of audiences they hoped to draw with the technology.
The Microsoft team discovered from this research that the up-and-down angle of the depth-sensing camera would either need to be adjusted manually, or would require an expensive motor to move automatically. Upper management at Microsoft opted to include the motor despite the increased cost to avoid breaking game immersion. Kinect project work also involved packaging the system for mass production and optimizing its performance.
Hardware development took around 22 months. During hardware development, Microsoft engaged with software developers to use Kinect. Microsoft wanted to make games that would be playable by families since Kinect could sense multiple bodies in front of it. One of the first internal titles developed for the device was the pack-in game Kinect Adventures developed by Good Science Studio that was part of Microsoft Studios.
One of the game modes of Kinect Adventures was “Reflex Ridge”, based on the Japanese Brain Wall game where players attempt to contort their bodies in a short time to match cutouts of a wall moving at them. This type of game was a key example of the type of interactivity they wanted with Kinect, and its development helped feed into the hardware improvements. Nearing the planned release, there was a problem of widespread testing of Kinect in various room types and different bodies accounting for age, gender, and race among other factors, while keeping the details of the unit confidential.
Microsoft engaged in a company-wide program offering employees to take home Kinect units to test them. Microsoft also brought other non-gaming divisions, including its Microsoft Research , Microsoft Windows , and Bing teams to help complete the system. Microsoft established its own large-scale manufacturing facility to bulk product Kinect units and test them. Kinect was first announced to the public as “Project Natal” on June 1, , during Microsoft’s press conference at E3 ; film director Steven Spielberg joined Microsoft’s Don Mattrick to introduce the technology and its potential.
In the months following E3 , rumors that a new Xbox console associated with Project Natal emerged, either a retail configuration that incorporated the peripheral, [23] [24] or as a hardware revision or upgrade to support the peripheral. Microsoft indicated that the company considered Project Natal to be a significant initiative, as fundamental to Xbox brand as Xbox Live , [22] and with a planned launch akin to that of a new Xbox console platform.
Following the E3 show and through , the Project Natal team members experimentally adapted numerous games to Kinect-based control schemes to help evaluate usability. Companies like Harmonix and Double Fine quickly took to Project Natal and saw the potential in it, and committed to developing games for the unit, such as the launch title Dance Central from Harmonix.
Although its sensor unit was originally planned to contain a microprocessor that would perform operations such as the system’s skeletal mapping, Microsoft reported in January that the sensor would no longer feature a dedicated processor. These observed believed that instead the industry would develop games specific to the Kinect features.
During Microsoft’s E3 press conference, it was announced that Project Natal would be officially branded as Kinect, and be released in North America on November 4, All units included Kinect Adventures as a pack-in game.
Microsoft continued to refine the Kinect technology in the months leading to the Kinect launch in November The Kinect release for the Xbox was estimated to have sold eight million units in the first sixty days of release, earning the hardware the Guinness World Record for the “Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device”. Microsoft provided news of these changes to the third-party developers to help them anticipate how the improvements can be integrated into the games.
Concurrent with the Kinect improvements, Microsoft’s Xbox hardware team had started planning for the Xbox One around mid Part of early Xbox One specifications was that the new Kinect hardware would be automatically included with the console, so that developers would know that Kinect hardware would be available for any Xbox One, and hoping to encourage developers to take advantage of that.
Microsoft stated at these events that the Xbox One would include the updated Kinect hardware and it would be required to be plugged in at all times for the Xbox One to function. This raised concerns across the video game media: privacy advocates argued that Kinect sensor data could be used for targeted advertising , and to perform unauthorized surveillance on users.
In response to these claims, Microsoft reiterated that Kinect voice recognition and motion tracking can be disabled by users, that Kinect data cannot be used for advertising per its privacy policy , and that the console would not redistribute user-generated content without permission.
Microsoft announced in August that they had made several changes to the planned Xbox One release in response to the backlash. Among these was that the system would no longer require a Kinect unit to be plugged in to work, though it was still planned to package the Kinect with all Xbox One systems. Richard Irving, a program group manager that oversaw Kinect, said that Microsoft had felt that it was more important to give developers and consumers the option of developing for or purchasing the Kinect rather than forcing the unit on them.
The removal of Kinect from the Xbox One retail package was the start of the rapid decline and phase-out of the unit within Microsoft. Developers like Harmonix that had been originally targeting games to use the Xbox One had put these games on hold until they knew there was enough of a Kinect install base to justify release, which resulted in a lack of games for the Kinect and reducing any consumer drive to buy the separate unit.
Microsoft formally announced it would stop manufacturing Kinect for Xbox One on October 25, This is considered by the media to be the point where Microsoft ceased work on the Kinect for the Xbox platform.
While the Kinect unit for the Xbox platform had petered out, the Kinect had found new life in academia and other applications since around In robotics , Kinect’s depth-sensing would enable robots to determine the shape and approximate distances to obstacles and maneuver around them.
Around November , after the Kinect’s launch, scientists, engineers, and hobbyists had been able to hack into the Kinect to determine what hardware and internal software it had used, leading to users finding how to connect and operate the Kinect with Microsoft Windows and OS X over USB, which has unsecured data from the various camera elements that could be read.
This further led to prototype demos of other possible applications, such as a gesture-based user interface for the operating system similar to that shown in the film Minority Report , as well as pornographic applications.
Adafruit Industries , having envisioned some of the possible applications of the Kinect outside of gaming, issued a security challenge related to the Kinect, offering prize money for the successful development of an open source software development kit SDK and hardware drivers for the Kinect, which came to be known as Open Kinect.
This is happening today, and this is happening tomorrow. Microsoft initially took issue with users hacking into the Kinect, stating they would incorporate additional safeguards into future iterations of the unit to prevent such hacks. The first thing to talk about is, Kinect was not actually hacked. Hacking would mean that someone got to our algorithms that sit inside of the Xbox and was able to actually use them, which hasn’t happened.
Or, it means that you put a device between the sensor and the Xbox for means of cheating, which also has not happened.
That’s what we call hacking, and that’s what we have put a ton of work and effort to make sure doesn’t actually occur. What has happened is someone wrote an open-source driver for PCs that essentially opens the USB connection, which we didn’t protect, by design, and reads the inputs from the sensor.
The sensor, again, as I talked earlier, has eyes and ears, and that’s a whole bunch of noise that someone needs to take and turn into signal. PrimeSense along with robotics firm Willow Garage and game developer Side-Kick launched OpenNI , a not-for-profit group to develop portable drivers for the Kinect and other natural interface NI devices, in November The resulting product, the Wavi Xtion, was released in October Microsoft announced in February that it was planning on releasing its own SDK for the Kinect within a few months, and which was officially released on June 16, , but which was limited to non-commercial uses.
With the original announcement of the revised Kinect for Xbox One in , Microsoft also confirmed it would have a second generation of Kinect for Windows based on the updated Kinect technology by Microsoft stated that the demand for the Kinect 2 for Windows demand was high and difficult to keep up while also fulfilling the Kinect for Xbox One orders, and that they had found commercial developers successfully using the Kinect for Xbox One in their applications without issue.
Though Kinect had been cancelled, the ideas of it helped to spur Microsoft into looking more into accessibility for Xbox and its games. According to Phil Spencer , the head of Xbox at Microsoft, they received positive comments from parents of disabled and impaired children who were happy that Kinect allowed their children to play video games.
These efforts led to the development of the Xbox Adaptive Controller , released in , as one of Microsoft’s efforts in this area. Video Hub Azure. Microsoft Business. Microsoft Enterprise. Browse All Community Hubs. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Sign In. The Exchange Team. Once you have chosen your profile – the tool will run – and you will see similar output as long as everything is successful: Looking at this window shows you that there is a CalCheck. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool: You can view all items in the Calendar by opening the CSV in Excel. This will give a view of the Calendar like the following: This view shows all the items in the Calendar as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder.
What CalCheck does not do CalCheck is a reporting tool only. CalCheck only works against Calendars located on an Exchange server.
Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android is developed by a consortium of developers known as the Open Handset Alliance and confiyuration sponsored by Google. Most versions of Android are proprietary. When Android is installed on devices, ability to modify the otherwise FOSS software is usually restricted, either by not providing the corresponding source code or preventing reinstallation through technical measures, rendering the installed version proprietary.
Most Android devices ship with additional proprietary software pre-installed, [4] most notably Google Mobile Services GMS [5] which includes microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free apps such as Google Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully freethe digital distribution platform Google Playand associated Google Play Services development platform.
However, the “Android” name and logo are trademarks of Google which imposes standards to restrict the use of Acdsee 8 ultimate free branding by “uncertified” devices outside their ecosystem. The source code has been used to develop variants of Android on a range of other electronics, such as game consolesdigital camerasportable media microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully freePCseach with a specialized user interface.
Android has been the best-selling OS worldwide on smartphones since and on tablets since As of May [update]it has over three billion monthly active usersthe largest installed base of any operating system, [9] and as of January [update]the Google Play Store features over 3 million apps.
Android Inc. Rubin had difficulty attracting investors early on, and Android was facing eviction from its office space. Perlman refused a stake in the company, and has stated “I did it because I believed in the thing, and I wanted to help Andy. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on the promise of providing a flexible, upgradeable system. Speculation about Google’s intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through December On November 5,the Open Handset Alliancea consortium of technology companies including Div, device manufacturers such as HTCMotorola and Samsungwireless carriers such as Sprint configuratuon T-Mobileand chipset makers such as Qualcomm and Texas Instrumentsunveiled itself, with a goal to develop “the first truly open and nit platform for mobile devices”.
In SeptemberInformationWeek covered an Evalueserve study reporting that Google had filed several patent applications in the area of mobile telephony. SinceAndroid has seen numerous updates which have incrementally improved the operating system, adding new features and fixing bugs in previous releases.
Each major release is named in alphabetical order after a dessert or sugary treat, with the first few Android versions being called ” Cupcake “, ” Donut “, ” Eclair “, and ” Froyo “, in that order. During its announcement of Android KitKat inGoogle explained that “Since these devices make our lives so sweet, sgandard Android version is named after a dessert”, although a Google spokesperson told CNN in an interview that “It’s kind of configuratin an internal team thing, and we prefer to be a little bit—how should I say—a bit inscrutable in the matter, I’ll say”.
InGoogle launched its Nexus series of devices, a lineup in which Google partnered with different device manufacturers to produce new devices and introduce new Android versions. The series was described as having “played a pivotal role in Android’s history by introducing new software iterations and hardware standards across the board”, and became known for its ” bloat-free ” software with “timely He left Google in August to join Chinese phone maker Xiaomi.
On Android 4. Writing access has been reinstated with Android 5 Lollipop through the backwards-incompatible Google Storage Access Framework interface. In JuneGoogle announced Android Onea set of “hardware reference models” that would “allow compleye makers] to easily create high-quality phones at low costs”, designed for consumers in developing countries.
In Maythe operating system became entangled in the trade war between China and the United States involving Huawei страница, which, like many other tech firms, had become dependent on access to the Android platform. On August 22,it was announced that Android “Q” would officially be branded as Android 10, ending the historic practice of naming major versions after desserts.
Google stated that these names were not “inclusive” to international users читать полностью either to the aforementioned foods not being internationally known, or being difficult to pronounce in some languages. Android’s default user microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free is mainly based successflly direct manipulationusing touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to нажмите чтобы перейти on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard.
Internal hardware, such as accelerometersgyroscopes and proximity sensors are used by some applications to respond to additional user actions, mot example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on how the device is oriented, [80] or allowing the user to steer a vehicle in a racing game by rotating the device, simulating control of a steering wheel. Android devices boot to the home screenthe primary navigation and information “hub” on Android devices, analogous to the desktop found on personal ofifce.
Android home screens are typically made up of app icons and widgets ; app icons launch the associated app, whereas widgets display live, auto-updating content, such as a weather forecastthe user’s email inbox, or a news ticker directly on the home screen. Along the top of the screen is a status bar, showing information about the device and its connectivity. This status bar can be pulled swiped down from to reveal a notification screen where apps display important information or updates, as well as quick access to system controls and toggles such as display brightness, connectivity settings WiFiBluetoothconplete dataaudio mode, and flashlight.
Notifications are “short, timely, and relevant information about your app zuccessfully it’s not in use”, and when tapped, users are directed to a screen inside the app relating to the notification. An “All Apps” screen lists all installed applications, with the ability for users to drag an app from the list onto the home screen. The app list may be accessed using a gesture or a button, depending on the Android version. A “Recents” screen, also known as “Overview”, lets users switch between recently used microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free.
The recent list may appear side-by-side or overlapping, depending on the Android version and manufacturer. Many early Android OS smartphones were equipped with a dedicated search button for quick access to a web search engine and individual apps’ internal search feature.
More recent devices typically allow the former through a long press or swipe away from the home button. The dedicated option key, also microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free as menu key, and its on-screen simulation, is no longer supported since Android version Google recommends mobile application developers to locate menus within the user interface.
Depending on device, its long press may simulate a menu button press or engage split screen view, the latter of which is the default behaviour since stock Android version 7. Native support for split screen view has been added in stock Android version 7.
The earliest vendor-customized Android-based smartphones known to have featured a split-screen view mode are the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2the former of which received this feature with the successully suite upgrade delivered in TouchWiz with Android 4. When connecting or disconnecting charging power and when shortly actuating the power button нажмите чтобы узнать больше home http://replace.me/8507.txt, all while the device is powered off, a visual battery meter whose appearance varies among vendors appears on the screen, allowing the user to quickly assess the charge status of a powered-off without having to boot it up first.
Some display the battery percentage. Since stock Android version 12, released earlysynchronous vibration can be set to complement audio. Applications ” apps “which extend the functionality of devices and must be bit []are written using the Android software development kit SDK [] and, often, Kotlin programming language, which replaced Java as Google’s preferred language for Android app development microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free May[] and was originally announced in May The SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools, [] including a debuggersoftware librariesa handset emulator based on QEMUdocumentation, sample code, and tutorials.
Android has a growing selection of third-party applications, which can be acquired by users by downloading and mkcrosoft the application’s APK Android application package file, or by downloading them using an application store program that allows users to install, update, and remove applications from their devices.
Google Play Store is the primary application store installed on Android devices that comply with Google’s compatibility requirements and license the Google Mobile Services software. Due to the open nature of Android, a number of third-party application marketplaces also exist for Android, either to provide a substitute for devices that are not allowed to ship with Google Play Подробнее на этой странице, provide applications that cannot be offered on Google Play Store due to policy violations, or for other reasons.
F-Droidanother alternative marketplace, seeks to only provide applications that kffice distributed under free and open source licenses. In OctoberGoogle removed several Android applications from Play Storeas they were identified breaching its data collection rules. Cojfiguration storage of Android devices can be expanded using secondary devices such as SD cards.
Android recognizes two types of secondary storage: portable storage which is used by defaultand adoptable storage.
Portable storage is treated as an external storage microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free. Посмотреть больше storage, introduced on Android 6.
This has the disadvantage of preventing the memory card from being used with another device unless it is reformatted. Android 4. Apps are required to use the SAF to access any other part of the filesystem. Since Android devices are usually battery-powered, Android is designed to manage processes to keep power consumption at a minimum. When an application fre not in use the system suspends its operation so that, while available for immediate use rather than closed, it does not use battery power or CPU resources.
Some settings for use by developers for debugging and power users are located in a “Developer options” sub menu, such as the ability to highlight updating parts standadd the display, show an overlay with the current status узнать больше the touch screen, show vonfiguration spots for possible use in screencastingnotify the user of unresponsive background processes with the option to end them “Show all ANRs”, i.
Developer options are initially hidden since Android 4. Hiding developers options again requires deleting user data for the “Settings” app, possibly resetting some other preferences. While gaining support for bit platforms, Android was first made to run on bit x86 and then on ARM Since Android 5. Requirements for the minimum amount of RAM for devices running Android 7. Android devices incorporate many optional hardware components, including still or video cameras, GPSorientation sensorsdedicated gaming controls, accelerometersgyroscopesbarometers, magnetometersproximity sensorspressure sensorsthermometers, and touchscreens.
Some hardware components are not required, but became standard in certain classes of devices, such as smartphones, and additional requirements apply объяснение, what is xero api безусловно they are present. Some other hardware was initially required, but those requirements have been relaxed or eliminated altogether.
For example, as Android was developed initially as a phone OS, hardware such as microphones were required, while over time the phone function became optional. In addition to running on smartphones and tablets, several vendors run Android natively on regular PC hardware with a keyboard and mouse. Android is developed by Google until the latest changes and updates are ready to be released, at which point the source code is made available to the Android Open Source Project AOSP[] an open source initiative led by Google.
The source code is, in turn, customized by original equipment manufacturers OEMs to run on their hardware. Google provides annual [] Android releases, both for factory installation in new devices, and for over-the-air updates to existing devices.
The extensive variation of hardware [] in Android devices has stadnard significant delays for software upgrades and security patches. Each upgrade microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free had to be specifically tailored, a time- and resource-consuming process.
The lack of after-sale support from manufacturers and carriers has been widely criticized by consumer groups and the technology media. InGoogle began de-coupling certain aspects of the operating system particularly its central applications so they could be updated through the Google Play store independently of the OS.
One of those components, Google Play Servicesis a closed-source system-level process providing Frree for Google services, installed automatically on nearly all devices running Android 2. With these changes, Google offce add new system functions and update apps without having to distribute an upgrade to the operating system itself.
HTC ‘s then-executive Jason Mackenzie called monthly security updates “unrealistic” inand Google was trying to persuade carriers to exclude security patches from the full testing procedures. In MayBloomberg Businessweek reported that Google was making efforts to keep Android more up-to-date, including accelerated rates of security updates, rolling out technological workarounds, reducing requirements for phone testing, and ranking phone makers in an attempt to “shame” them into better behavior.
As stated by Bloomberg : “As smartphones get more capable, complex and hackable, completw the latest software work closely with the hardware is increasingly important”.
Hiroshi Lockheimer, the Android lead, admitted that “It’s not an ideal situation”, further commenting that the lack of updates is “the weakest link on security on Android”. Wireless carriers were described in the report as the “most challenging discussions”, due to their slow approval time while testing on their networks, shandard some carriers, including Verizon Wireless and Sprint Corporationalready shortening their http://replace.me/12473.txt times.
In a further effort for persuasion, Google shared a list of top phone makers measured by updated devices with its Android partners, and is considering making the list public. In Maywith the announcement of Android 8. Project Treble separates the vendor implementation device-specific, lower-level nnot written by silicon manufacturers from the Android OS framework via a new “vendor interface”.
In Android 7. With Treble, the microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free stable vendor interface provides access to the hardware-specific parts of Android, enabling device makers to deliver new Android releases simply by updating the Android OS framework, “without any additional work required from the silicon manufacturers.
In SeptemberGoogle’s Project Treble team revealed that, as part of their efforts to improve the security lifecycle of Android devices, Google had managed to get the Linux Foundation to agree to extend the support lifecycle of the Linux Long-Term Support LTS kernel branch from the 2 years that it has historically lasted to 6 years for future versions of the LTS kernel, starting with Linux kernel 4.
In Maywith the announcement of Android 10Google introduced Project Mainline to simplify and expedite delivery of updates http://replace.me/14327.txt the Android ecosystem. As a result, important security and performance improvements that previously needed to be microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free of full OS updates can be downloaded and installed as easily as an app update.
Google reported jicrosoft out new amendments in Android 12 aimed at making the use of third-party application по этому сообщению easier.
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Office Groups offer a convenient way to collaborate with other people in the organization. If you need to get a list of all the group members, PowerShell makes it easy. This guide will show you how to use PowerShell to get the list of users in an Office Group. Ever needed to get a list of all the members in a Microsoft group and export them to a CSV file?
Sure, We can use PowerShell to quickly retrieve a list of all the members in groups. Here is the PowerShell to export all members of all Office groups:. He loves sharing his knowledge and experiences with the SharePoint community, through his real-world articles! Here you go! If you just run. Remove the -Credential parameter!
The other comments are wrong. The problem is they hyphens in front of LinkType and also Identity. Office Group PowerShell. February 10, Salaudeen Rajack 14 Comments export office group members powershell , export office group members to csv , get all members of office group powershell , get members of office group , get-unifiedgroup , get-unifiedgrouplinks , powershell command to get office group members.
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Dec 04, · Summary: Guest blogger and Windows PowerShell Guru Klaus Schulte talks about using Oracle replace.me and Windows PowerShell to simplify data access to Oracle databases. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. It is early in the morning in Frankfurt, Germany, and the Scripting Wife and I just returned from Prague where we had a wonderful . Apr 07, · To get a list of members in Office group from Microsoft admin center, Log in to the Microsoft Admin Center site: replace.me; Expand Groups and Click on the Groups link in the left navigation. The group’s page lists all groups in your Office tenant. Pick the desired group to list users in the group. Feb 22, · Microsoft Office Outlook (bit) Microsoft Exchange Server ; Microsoft Exchange Server ; Microsoft Exchange Server ; Important: The bit version of this tool is only for use with the bit version of Microsoft Outlook The download is a ZIP file – just unzip it in an empty directory, open a command window in that. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our + Global Conferenceseries Events with over + Conferences, + Symposiums and + Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.. Explore and learn more about Conference Series LLC LTD: World’s leading Event Organizer. Linux (/ ˈ l iː n ʊ k s / LEE-nuuks or / ˈ l ɪ n ʊ k s / LIN-uuks) is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, , by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.. Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of .
BBC News. September 15, Archived from the original on November 1, Retrieved November 9, Archived from the original on November 3, Archived from the original on October 5, Retrieved March 13, Archived from the original on May 11, CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on January 6, Archived from the original on October 11, Retrieved October 12, May 19, VOX Media.
Retrieved July 20, Technology Intelligence. The Telegraph. Archived from the original on January 10, Huawei, which is the world’s second largest seller of smartphones after Samsung, has long relied on Google’s Android operating system to run its smartphones and tablets.
The ban means that new Huawei phones will no longer be able to access certain apps, such as Google Maps and YouTube, and existing phones will not be able to update their Android operating systems. Tech News. Retrieved August 10, Huawei is moving to trademark the name of its operating system, “Hongmeng,” in Peru.
Mobile tech. Where Consumers Come First Wccf. Chinese tech giant plans to launch its own operating system this year as access to U.
The trademark’s been filed in Canada, the European Union, Mexico, and more. Retrieved August 9, Retrieved August 22, August 22, Archived from the original on January 25, Archived from the original on February 16, Archived from the original on February 19, Archived from the original on March 31, Archived from the original on May 1, Univision Communications.
Archived from the original on January 8, For Dummies. Material Design. Archived from the original on March 22, Archived from the original on December 8, June 25, Android Advices.
April 17, April 12, Retrieved April 3, December 10, Android Headlines. February 23, Archived from the original on April 3, Android Developers Blog. Retrieved August 14, Archived from the original on May 3, Retrieved May 8, Archived from the original on May 17, Retrieved May 22, Archived from the original on May 22, Retrieved September 12, Archived from the original on March 29, July 21, Archived from the original on June 13, Archived from the original on February 10, Retrieved April 25, Archived from the original on March 10, Archived from the original on March 28, Retrieved March 28, July 24, Archived from the original on January 2, Retrieved January 2, Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved June 4, Archived from the original on October 17, Retrieved November 16, Archived from the original on June 28, Retrieved May 15, Wired News.
Retrieved February 20, October 26, Retrieved October 26, Windows Latest. Retrieved June 28, Retrieved March 6, Retrieved August 18, Retrieved August 15, Archived from the original on July 11, June 26, Archived from the original on October 23, Retrieved October 30, Cleveland State University.
Archived from the original PDF on February 22, Retrieved April 15, June 16, Archived from the original on February 17, Professional Android 4 Application Development. Archived from the original on January 21, November 28, Archived from the original on November 5, Retrieved November 2, September 22, Retrieved June 13, How-To Geek.
December 29, Archived from the original on January 30, Archived from the original on March 6, Retrieved July 17, Archived from the original on January 24, July 11, Archived from the original on February 9, Retrieved February 9, The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved June 19, January 21, Retrieved January 25, February 10, Archived from the original on January 23, Retrieved March 21, Vulkan 1.
May 8, Archived from the original on October 28, Retrieved November 1, Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved September 22, Now powered by Android Marshmallow. January 13, Archived from the original on April 7, Retrieved April 7, August 25, Archived from the original on November 12, August 24, Android Source.
Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved December 22, Archived from the original on March 14, Future plc. Archived from the original on July 13, Archived from the original on January 7, Archived from the original on December 25, Archived from the original on March 3, How-To Keep. There’s blame enough to go around”. Consumer Reports. Archived from the original on June 14, The Register. Situation Publishing.
Archived from the original on February 13, Archived from the original on September 3, Archived from the original on March 30, Retrieved March 15, Archived from the original on March 16, Archived from the original on December 3, Retrieved November 10, Linux kernel LTS releases are now good for 6 years”. Archived from the original on November 11, September 28, Retrieved September 28, February 2, Retrieved March 25, Archived from the original on May 27, Retrieved June 20, May 13, Archived from the original on January 4, December 5, Archived from the original on January 9, Retrieved June 26, Linux Foundation.
Archived from the original on June 29, Archived from the original on October 15, Linux kernel monkey log. Archived from the original on June 17, Archived from the original on July 4, September 7, Archived from the original on February 14, Archived from the original on February 18, Retrieved May 27, Retrieved June 14, Retrieved October 19, March 8, March 26, Retrieved May 22, Channel 9.
Retrieved November 13, Retrieved May 9, Supersite for Windows. Retrieved July 1, April 5, Retrieved April 5, Retrieved January 2, Retrieved December 16, July 15, Retrieved May 8, April 2, May 7, Archived from the original on September 12, Retrieved September 18, January 5, Archived from the original on July 9, Retrieved December 9, Electronic Theatre.
February 20, June 6, Archived from the original on December 2, The New York Times. Retrieved December 6, San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved December 26, December 2, Retrieved December 8, Retrieved March 4, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. March 15, QuickJump Gaming Network. December 27, March 22, Retrieved March 19, Computer and Video Games.
Archived from the original on November 6, Game Informer. November 4, Retrieved November 8, The Washington Post. Retrieved November 10, February 4, February 5, Retrieved November 3, The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on November 14, Retrieved February 15, Retrieved March 10, Archived from the original on March 11, Archived from the original on January 16, Retrieved January 14, Archived from the original on March 14, Retrieved March 11, November 29, Professional Engineering.
June 7, Retrieved October 13, Popular Mechanics. Microsoft Research Connections Blog. October 13, May 4, Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kinect. History Outline. Bill Gates Paul Allen. John W. Where do you want to go today? Alcatel-Lucent v. Microsoft Apple v.
Microsoft European Union Microsoft competition case Microsoft v. Lindows Microsoft v. MikeRoweSoft Microsoft v. Shah United States v. Microsoft antitrust case Microsoft Ireland case. Video game products by Microsoft. Controller Games World Collection Technical specifications.
Xbox Wireless Controller special editions Games Backward compatible. Xbox on Windows Phone Zune games. Microsoft Research MSR.
If you need to get a list of all the group members, PowerShell makes it easy. This guide will show you how to use PowerShell to get the list of users in an Office Group. Ever needed to get a list of all the members in a Microsoft group and export them to a CSV file? Sure, We can use PowerShell to quickly retrieve a list of all the members in groups. Here is the PowerShell to export all members of all Office groups:.
Linux was originally developed for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more platforms than any other operating system. Linux also runs on embedded systems , i.
Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. The source code may be used, modified and distributed commercially or non-commercially by anyone under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License GPL. The Linux kernel, for example, is licensed under the GPLv2, with a special exception for system calls , as without the system call exception any program calling on the kernel would be considered a derivative and therefore the GPL would have to apply to that program.
The availability of a high-level language implementation of Unix made its porting to different computer platforms easier. As a result, Unix grew quickly and became widely adopted by academic institutions and businesses.
Onyx Systems began selling early microcomputer-based Unix workstations in Later, Sun Microsystems , founded as a spin-off of a student project at Stanford University , also began selling Unix-based desktop workstations in While Sun workstations didn’t utilize commodity PC hardware like Linux was later developed for, it represented the first successful commercial attempt at distributing a primarily single-user microcomputer that ran a Unix operating system.
With Unix increasingly “locked in” as a proprietary product, the GNU Project , started in by Richard Stallman , had the goal of creating a “complete Unix-compatible software system” composed entirely of free software. Work began in By the early s, many of the programs required in an operating system such as libraries, compilers , text editors , a command-line shell , and a windowing system were completed, although low-level elements such as device drivers , daemons , and the kernel , called GNU Hurd , were stalled and incomplete.
Tanenbaum , a computer science professor, and released in as a minimal Unix-like operating system targeted at students and others who wanted to learn operating system principles. Although the complete source code of MINIX was freely available, the licensing terms prevented it from being free software until the licensing changed in April Linus Torvalds has stated on separate occasions that if the GNU kernel or BSD had been available at the time , he probably would not have created Linux.
While attending the University of Helsinki , Torvalds enrolled in a Unix course in the fall of It was with this course that Torvalds first became exposed to Unix. In , he became curious about operating systems. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took place on Linux systems.
Linus Torvalds had wanted to call his invention ” Freax “, a portmanteau of “free”, “freak”, and “x” as an allusion to Unix. During the start of his work on the system, some of the project’s makefiles included the name “Freax” for about half a year.
Initially, Torvalds considered the name “Linux” but dismissed it as too egotistical. To facilitate development, the files were uploaded to the FTP server ftp. Ari Lemmke, Torvalds’ coworker at the Helsinki University of Technology HUT who was one of the volunteer administrators for the FTP server at the time, did not think that “Freax” was a good name, so he named the project “Linux” on the server without consulting Torvalds.
Adoption of Linux in production environments, rather than being used only by hobbyists, started to take off first in the mids in the supercomputing community, where organizations such as NASA started to replace their increasingly expensive machines with clusters of inexpensive commodity computers running Linux. Commercial use began when Dell and IBM , followed by Hewlett-Packard , started offering Linux support to escape Microsoft ‘s monopoly in the desktop operating system market.
Today, Linux systems are used throughout computing, from embedded systems to virtually all supercomputers , [31] [61] and have secured a place in server installations such as the popular LAMP application stack. Use of Linux distributions in home and enterprise desktops has been growing. Linux’s greatest success in the consumer market is perhaps the mobile device market, with Android being the dominant operating system on smartphones and very popular on tablets and, more recently, on wearables.
Linux gaming is also on the rise with Valve showing its support for Linux and rolling out SteamOS , its own gaming-oriented Linux distribution.
Linux distributions have also gained popularity with various local and national governments, such as the federal government of Brazil. Greg Kroah-Hartman is the lead maintainer for the Linux kernel and guides its development. These third-party components comprise a vast body of work and may include both kernel modules and user applications and libraries.
Linux vendors and communities combine and distribute the kernel, GNU components, and non-GNU components, with additional package management software in the form of Linux distributions. Many open source developers agree that the Linux kernel was not designed but rather evolved through natural selection. Torvalds considers that although the design of Unix served as a scaffolding, “Linux grew with a lot of mutations — and because the mutations were less than random, they were faster and more directed than alpha-particles in DNA.
Raymond considers Linux’s revolutionary aspects to be social, not technical: before Linux, complex software was designed carefully by small groups, but “Linux evolved in a completely different way. From nearly the beginning, it was rather casually hacked on by huge numbers of volunteers coordinating only through the Internet. Quality was maintained not by rigid standards or autocracy but by the naively simple strategy of releasing every week and getting feedback from hundreds of users within days, creating a sort of rapid Darwinian selection on the mutations introduced by developers.
Such a system uses a monolithic kernel , the Linux kernel , which handles process control, networking, access to the peripherals , and file systems. Device drivers are either integrated directly with the kernel, or added as modules that are loaded while the system is running.
The GNU userland is a key part of most systems based on the Linux kernel, with Android being the notable exception. The Project’s implementation of the C library works as a wrapper for the system calls of the Linux kernel necessary to the kernel-userspace interface, the toolchain is a broad collection of programming tools vital to Linux development including the compilers used to build the Linux kernel itself , and the coreutils implement many basic Unix tools.
The project also develops Bash , a popular CLI shell. Many other open-source software projects contribute to Linux systems. Installed components of a Linux system include the following: [78] [80].
The user interface , also known as the shell , is either a command-line interface CLI , a graphical user interface GUI , or controls attached to the associated hardware, which is common for embedded systems. For desktop systems, the default user interface is usually graphical, although the CLI is commonly available through terminal emulator windows or on a separate virtual console. CLI shells are text-based user interfaces, which use text for both input and output.
Most low-level Linux components, including various parts of the userland , use the CLI exclusively. The CLI is particularly suited for automation of repetitive or delayed tasks and provides very simple inter-process communication. Most popular user interfaces are based on the X Window System , often simply called “X”. It provides network transparency and permits a graphical application running on one system to be displayed on another where a user may interact with the application; however, certain extensions of the X Window System are not capable of working over the network.
Org Server , being the most popular. Server distributions might provide a command-line interface for developers and administrators, but provide a custom interface towards end-users, designed for the use-case of the system. This custom interface is accessed through a client that resides on another system, not necessarily Linux based.
Several types of window managers exist for X11, including tiling , dynamic , stacking and compositing. Window managers provide means to control the placement and appearance of individual application windows, and interact with the X Window System.
Simpler X window managers such as dwm , ratpoison , i3wm , or herbstluftwm provide a minimalist functionality, while more elaborate window managers such as FVWM , Enlightenment or Window Maker provide more features such as a built-in taskbar and themes , but are still lightweight when compared to desktop environments. Wayland is a display server protocol intended as a replacement for the X11 protocol; as of [update] , it has not received wider adoption. Unlike X11, Wayland does not need an external window manager and compositing manager.
Therefore, a Wayland compositor takes the role of the display server, window manager and compositing manager. Enlightenment has already been successfully ported since version Due to the complexity and diversity of different devices, and due to the large number of formats and standards handled by those APIs, this infrastructure needs to evolve to better fit other devices.
Also, a good userspace device library is the key of the success for having userspace applications to be able to work with all formats supported by those devices. The primary difference between Linux and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux kernel and other components are free and open-source software.
Linux is not the only such operating system, although it is by far the most widely used. Linux-based distributions are intended by developers for interoperability with other operating systems and established computing standards. Free software projects, although developed through collaboration , are often produced independently of each other.
The fact that the software licenses explicitly permit redistribution, however, provides a basis for larger-scale projects that collect the software produced by stand-alone projects and make it available all at once in the form of a Linux distribution. Many Linux distributions manage a remote collection of system software and application software packages available for download and installation through a network connection. This allows users to adapt the operating system to their specific needs.
Distributions are maintained by individuals, loose-knit teams, volunteer organizations, and commercial entities. A distribution is responsible for the default configuration of the installed Linux kernel, general system security, and more generally integration of the different software packages into a coherent whole. Distributions typically use a package manager such as apt , yum , zypper , pacman or portage to install, remove, and update all of a system’s software from one central location.
A distribution is largely driven by its developer and user communities. Some vendors develop and fund their distributions on a volunteer basis, Debian being a well-known example.
In many cities and regions, local associations known as Linux User Groups LUGs seek to promote their preferred distribution and by extension free software. They hold meetings and provide free demonstrations, training, technical support, and operating system installation to new users. Many Internet communities also provide support to Linux users and developers. Online forums are another means for support, with notable examples being LinuxQuestions.
Linux distributions host mailing lists ; commonly there will be a specific topic such as usage or development for a given list. There are several technology websites with a Linux focus.
You may want to add a Subject to this item. Please check this item. For problem items that are found – the report gives you information you can use to go and find the problem items so you can remove it, recreate it, or if possible – fix it, etc.
Print this message. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool:. You can sort and filter items based on things like start time, subject, recurring items, etc. If you find a problem item in the CSV, you can open the Calendar and put it into Category view to get a similar view of the Calendar in Outlook. This will give a view of the Calendar like the following:.
This view shows all the items in the Calendar as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder. You can sort on things here like Subject, Location, Start, and End. This can be used to find the problem item in the Calendar folder when it is difficult or impossible to find in the normal Calendar view. Items can easily be moved back to the Calendar, or can be deleted from here if not needed, or corrected if possible and then placed back in the Calendar.
The general rule of thumb would be to recreate the item and delete the item that was moved out to the CalCheck folder. This is useful when running the tool in Server mode – as each user will get their report in their Inbox:.
Part of this check uses the legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox. If the legacyExchangeDN has changed for any reason – like a migration – then this test will give errors for items that may not really be in error.
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Selling because we are moving. No delivery available. If you just run. Remove the -Credential parameter! The other comments are wrong. The problem is they hyphens in front of LinkType and also Identity. Office Group PowerShell. February 10, Salaudeen Rajack 14 Comments export office group members powershell , export office group members to csv , get all members of office group powershell , get members of office group , get-unifiedgroup , get-unifiedgrouplinks , powershell command to get office group members.
Pick the desired group to list users in the group. Can is be easily scoped to list all groups a single user is a member of? Archived from the original on January 21, November 28, Archived from the original on November 5, Retrieved November 2, September 22, Retrieved June 13, How-To Geek.
December 29, Archived from the original on January 30, Archived from the original on March 6, Retrieved July 17, Archived from the original on January 24, July 11, Archived from the original on February 9, Retrieved February 9, The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved June 19, January 21, Retrieved January 25, February 10, Archived from the original on January 23, Retrieved March 21, Vulkan 1. May 8, Archived from the original on October 28, Retrieved November 1, Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved September 22, Now powered by Android Marshmallow.
January 13, Archived from the original on April 7, Retrieved April 7, August 25, Archived from the original on November 12, August 24, Android Source. Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved December 22, Archived from the original on March 14, Future plc. Archived from the original on July 13, Archived from the original on January 7, Archived from the original on December 25, Archived from the original on March 3, How-To Keep.
There’s blame enough to go around”. Consumer Reports. Archived from the original on June 14, The Register. Situation Publishing. Archived from the original on February 13, Archived from the original on September 3, Archived from the original on March 30, Retrieved March 15, Archived from the original on March 16, Archived from the original on December 3, Retrieved November 10, Linux kernel LTS releases are now good for 6 years”.
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Archived from the original on June 29, Archived from the original on October 15, Linux kernel monkey log. Archived from the original on June 17, Archived from the original on July 4, September 7, Archived from the original on February 14, Archived from the original on February 18, Retrieved February 15, Archived from the original on August 26, February 28, Archived from the original on March 2, Retrieved February 28, Archived from the original on August 27, Retrieved September 3, Archived from the original on April 17, Retrieved April 16, Archived from the original on April 22, Retrieved March 14, Archived from the original on April 8, Retrieved April 17, XDA Developers.
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The tool opens an Outlook profile to access the Outlook Calendar. Then each item in the calendar folder is checked for known problems that can cause unexpected behavior, such as meetings that appear to be missing.
As CalCheck goes through this process, it generates a report that can be used to help diagnose problem items or identify trends. The following Calendar-specific checks are performed and logged in the report:. The following item-level checks are performed and logged in the report:. You also have the option to run CalCheck in Server Mode.
In Server Mode, CalCheck attempts to open all mailboxes on the Exchange server and perform the checks listed in the “Checks Performed” section of this article. Server Mode generates a CalCheckSvr. This log file shows more mailbox-specific detail.
To use Server Mode, you must use a messaging profile associated with an account that has permissions to all of the mailboxes on the specified Exchange server. Once you have chosen your profile – the tool will run – and you will see similar output as long as everything is successful:.
Looking at this window shows you that there is a CalCheck. Opening that will show some info like the following:. You may want to add a Subject to this item. Please check this item. For problem items that are found – the report gives you information you can use to go and find the problem items so you can remove it, recreate it, or if possible – fix it, etc. Print this message. There will be several properties listed for each item that can be used to look for problems not detected by the tool:.
You can sort and filter items based on things like start time, subject, recurring items, etc. If you find a problem item in the CSV, you can open the Calendar and put it into Category view to get a similar view of the Calendar in Outlook.
This will give a view of the Calendar like the following:. This view shows all the items in the Calendar as a list – similar to looking at emails in the Inbox folder. You can sort on things here like Subject, Location, Start, and End. This can be used to find the problem item in the Calendar folder when it is difficult or impossible to find in the normal Calendar view. Items can easily be moved back to the Calendar, or can be deleted from here if not needed, or corrected if possible and then placed back in the Calendar.
The general rule of thumb would be to recreate the item and delete the item that was moved out to the CalCheck folder. This is useful when running the tool in Server mode – as each user will get their report in their Inbox:. Part of this check uses the legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox. If the legacyExchangeDN has changed for any reason – like a migration – then this test will give errors for items that may not really be in error.
The error that is logged by CalCheck will show both DNs. Here is an example:. The mailbox here is the same actual mailbox – but because the legacyExchangeDN changed – it is marked as an error. This can slow the process down a bit due to the extra processing and memory usage. Please leave feedback! Thanks – and I hope this will help save time in diagnosing and resolving calendar issues for you!
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The other comments are wrong. The problem is they hyphens in front of LinkType and also Identity. Office Group PowerShell. February 10, Salaudeen Rajack 14 Comments export office group members powershell , export office group members to csv , get all members of office group powershell , get members of office group , get-unifiedgroup , get-unifiedgrouplinks , powershell command to get office group members. Pick the desired group to list users in the group. Can is be easily scoped to list all groups a single user is a member of?
Reply Here you go! Reply Remove the -Credential parameter! Did you find a resolution? Reply I believe that it is just a typo. I think it should be Member not Members Reply Did you try it? Official documentation has Members.